Acronym | Definition |
CFW | Custom Firmware |
CFW | Cash for Work (humanitarian project; various locations) |
CFW | Copenhagen Fashion Week (Denmark) |
CFW | Certified Firewall |
CFW | Clients for Windows |
CFW | Certified for Windows |
CFW | Centralized Firewall |
CFW | Conceptual Framework |
CFW | Chicago Foundation for Women (Chicago, IL) |
CFW | Color Filter Wheel |
CFW | Committee for Women (various organizations) |
CFW | Cereal Foods World (publication; American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.) |
CFW | Change from Within (various organizations) |
CFW | Cubic Feet of Water (measurement) |
CFW | Chocolate Fountain Warehouse (UK) |
CFW | Call Forward |
CFW | Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide |
CFW | Caring for Our Watersheds (various locations) |
CFW | Crossfit Woodbridge (Woodbridge, VA) |
CFW | Customer-Facing Web(site) |
CFW | Cache Fast Write |
CFW | Contributing Family Worker (classification) |
CFW | Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. (school financing; California) |
CFW | Communauté Francophone du Wargame (French gaming community) |
CFW | Citizens for Florida's Waterways |
CFW | Continuous Fillet Weld (engineering) |
CFW | Center for Writing (education) |
CFW | Central Fresh Water (system aboard diesel ships) |
CFW | Comité Français de Wushu (French: French Wushu Committee; martial arts) |
CFW | Clean, Filled, Working (vending machines) |
CFW | Center Fire Western (munitions) |
CFW | CS ChemFinder Document (file extension) |
CFW | Central Florida Wrestling |