Acronym | Definition |
APSS | American Public School System |
APSS | Astrophysics and Space Science (Springer) |
APSS | Academic Programs and Student Services (various schools) |
APSS | Avaya Professional Sales Specialist |
APSS | Associated Professional Sleep Societies |
APSS | Association of Publishers for Special Sales (formerly Small Publishers Association of North America) |
APSS | Asylum Pre-Screening System (database) |
APSS | Association of Pre-Sacral Spine Surgeons |
APSS | Animal Product Safety Service (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) |
APSS | Airline Passengers for Safer Skies |
APSS | Aristo Parcel Shipping System |
APSS | Associate Professional Soil Scientist |
APSS | Austrian Payment System Services GmbH (Vienna, Austria) |
APSS | Automatic Protection Switching System |
APSS | Aviation Preservation Society of Scotland |
APSS | Avant-Projet Sommaire Simplifié (French: Simplified Preliminary Draft Summary) |
APSS | American Polled Shorthorn Society |
APSS | Automated Program Status System |
APSS | Automated Procurement System Software |
APSS | American Physiological Sleep Society |