Acronym | Definition |
APT | Apartment |
APT | Airport |
APT | American Public Television |
APT | Aptitude |
APT | Advanced Package Tool (Linux) |
APT | Action for Public Transport (Australia) |
APT | Advanced Persistent Threat (intelligence security) |
APT | Appellant |
APT | Auburn Public Theater (Auburn, NY) |
APT | Australian Pacific Touring (est. 1927) |
APT | Association for the Prevention of Torture |
APT | Atom-Probe Tomography |
APT | Advanced Passenger Train |
APT | Arbitrage Pricing Theory |
APT | Association for Preservation Technology |
APT | Abuse Prevention Training (various organizations) |
APT | Association for Political Theory (est. 2000) |
APT | Artist Pension Trust |
APT | Access to Professional Training (disabilities) |
APT | Asia-Pacific Telecommunity |
APT | Advances in Psychiatric Treatment |
APT | Aquatic Physical Therapy |
APT | Alabama Public Television |
APT | Advanced Package Tool |
APT | Application Programmer'S Toolkit |
APT | Advanced Printing Technology |
APT | Analog Proprietary Telephone |
APT | Automatically Programmed Tools |
APT | Application Process Title |
APT | Annotation Processing Tool |
APT | Adjustable Power Trip |
APT | Azienda Promozione Turistica (Italian: Tourist Promotion Company) |
APT | Advanced Power Technology (Richardson Electronics) |
APT | Alliance for Public Technology |
APT | Automatic Picture Transmission |
APT | Ammonium Paratungstate (tungsten refining) |
APT | ASEAN Plus Three |
APT | Asset Protection Trust |
APT | Alliance of Professional Tattooists |
APT | Autorisation Provisoire de Travail (French: Temporary Work Permit) |
APT | Advanced Positioning Technology (various companies) |
APT | Andhra Pradesh Technology (India) |
APT | Accredited Permaculture Training (Australia) |
APT | Attached Proton Test (chemistry) |
APT | Association of Polysomnographic Technologists |
APT | Academic Part Time |
APT | Automated Performance Testing (computing) |
APT | Accelerator Production of Tritium |
APT | Automatically Programmed Tool |
APT | Administrative, Professional and Technical (staff) |
APT | Address Pass Through |
APT | Advanced Platform Technology |
APT | Administrative Payment Team (various agencies) |
APT | Automated Pit Trading |
APT | Accelerated Pavement Test |
APT | Apartamiento (apartment; postcode use, Puerto Rico) |
APT | American Players Theater (Spring Green, WI) |
APT | Applied Potential Tomography |
APT | Accelerated Part-Time (education; various schools) |
APT | Automatic Public Toilet |
APT | Automatic Photometric Telescope |
APT | Attention Processing Training (cognitive rehabilitation) |
APT | Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother) |
APT | Accounting Production Transfers (oil & gas) |
APT | Accelerated Planning Technique |
APT | Aircrew Procedures Trainer |
APT | Amide Proton Transfer |
APT | Alliance for Photonic Technology |
APT | A Practical Transit-Mapping Service |
APT | Association of Pensioneer Trustees |
APT | Anesthesiology Pharmacology Therapeutics (medical field) |
APT | Aquaculture Production Technology, Ltd (Israel) |
APT | Atomic Polar Tensor |
APT | Acquisition Pointing and Tracking |
APT | Awesome Piece Theatre (gaming) |
APT | Association for Public Transportation, Inc |
APT | Advanced Pirate Technology |
APT | Advanced Plume Treatment |
APT | Arranged Passenger Transport |
APT | Analytic Perturbation Theory |
APT | Automatic Programming of Tools |
APT | Alliance for Productive Technology (insurance, SEMCI) |
APT | Application Productivity Tool |
APT | Air Passenger Tariff |
APT | Advanced Personnel Testing |
APT | Association of Professional Tattooists |
APT | American Pneumatic Tool, Inc. (Gardena, California) |
APT | Asia Pacific Transport Pty Ltd (Australian rail-building consortium) |
APT | Air Passenger Terminal |
APT | Active Process Table |
APT | Advanced Predictive Technology |
APT | Awaiting Pilot Training (US Air Force) |
APT | American Phone Terrorists |
APT | Associated Pharmacists and Toxicologists |
APT | Advanced Power Technologies Center (multi-university consortium) |
APT | Adaptive Phase Tracking |
APT | American Portable Telecommunications |
APT | Antarctic Passenger Terminal (New Zealand) |
APT | Automatic Program Tool |
APT | AT&T Pre-Paid Technology (pre-paid long distance, wireless, etc) |
APT | Annular Proton Telescope |
APT | Active Pulse Train |
APT | Augmented Programming Training |
APT | All-Purpose Tire |
APT | Automatic Picture Test |
APT | Academy for Power & Transportation |
APT | Annual Planning Table |
APT | Aspirin Provocation Test |
APT | Advanced Passive Technology (BMDO) |
APT | Adaptive Polling Technique |
APT | Aunis Poker Tour (France) |
APT | All-Purpose Terminal |
APT | Advanced Personnel Training |
APT | Automatic Progression Trunk |
APT | Automatic Planning and Technology |
APT | All Purpose Tape |
APT | Airborne Pointing & Tracking |
APT | Alumprecipitated Toxoid |
APT | Acoustic Proficiency Trainer |
APT | Automatic Parameter Test |
APT | Accident Prevention Team |