Acronym | Definition |
CAPR | Cancer Prevention Research (American Association of Cancer Research journal) |
CAPR | Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico (Spanish) |
CAPR | Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights (Enumclaw, WA) |
CAPR | Categorical Assistance Progress Reports (US FEMA) |
CAPR | Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays Rochefortais (French: Agglomeration Community of Rochefort; Rochefort, France) |
CAPR | Canine Partners of the Rockies (Aurora, CO) |
CAPR | Civil Air Patrol Regulation |
CAPR | Capability Request |
CAPR | Computer Assisted Pipeline Review |
CAPR | Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (Etobicoke, ON, Canada) |
CAPR | Capability Requirement |
CAPR | Cost Accounting and Production Report |
CAPR | Cost Account Performance Report |
CAPR | Camera Auditorilo Financiari din Romania (Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania) |
CAPR | Continuing Appointment with Periodic Review (clinical appointment in University Teaching) |