CIICConstruction Industry Information Center (Japan)
CIICChina Internet Information Center (web portal)
CIICControlled Inventory Item Code
CIICConsumer Information Indicator Code
CIICCorrectional Institutional Inspection Committee
CIICCompetencia Iberoamericana de Informática por Correspondencia (Spanish: Ibero-American Computer Correspondence Competition; Argentina)
CIICCivilian Illness and Injury Compensation
CIICConstruction Industry Information and Computing (group)
CIICCommunity and Industry Interactive Center (Thailand)
CIICClub Informatique Intercommunal du Carcassonnais (French computer club)
CIICCentre pour l'Invention et l'Innovation en Chirurgie (French: Center for Invention and Innovation in Surgery; Canada)
CIICCentre d'Information de l'Industrie Cimentière (French: Cement Industry Information Center)