Acronym | Definition |
AAI | Arab American Institute (Washington, DC) |
AAI | American Association of Immunologists |
AAI | Atheist Alliance International |
AAI | All Appropriate Inquiry |
AAI | AirTran Holdings, Inc. (Nevada and Florida) |
AAI | Analisi Ambientale Iniziale (Italian: Initial Environmental Assessment) |
AAI | Airport Authority of India |
AAI | Accredited Adviser in Insurance |
AAI | Afro Asiatisches Institut (German: Afro-Asian Institute; Austria) |
AAI | American Antitrust Institute |
AAI | Adjusted Available Income (student financial aid) |
AAI | Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure |
AAI | Alpine Ascents International (Seattle, WA) |
AAI | Allied Armies in Itlay |
AAI | Area of Archaeological Importance (UK) |
AAI | Adoption Associates Inc (Jenison, MI) |
AAI | Asian Arts Initiative (various locations) |
AAI | Asia America Initiative (Washington, DC) |
AAI | Airline Ambassadors International |
AAI | Adoption Advocates International (Port Angeles, WA) |
AAI | Alliance of American Insurers |
AAI | Architectural Association of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland; est. 1896) |
AAI | African-American Institute (formerly Institute of African American Relations, Washington DC) |
AAI | Action Aid International (South Africa) |
AAI | Adam Aircraft Industries |
AAI | Ankle-Arm Index (atherosclerosis) |
AAI | Asian American Institute |
AAI | Agribusiness Association of Iowa |
AAI | Advantest America, Inc. (various locations) |
AAI | Autodesk Approved Instructor |
AAI | Airline Automation Inc |
AAI | Aristolochic Acid I (toxicology) |
AAI | Alliance for Africa's Industrialization |
AAI | Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (Indonesian Advocates Association) |
AAI | American Acrylic Injection Inc (Farmersville, TX) |
AAI | Angle of Approach Indicator |
AAI | Acute Alcohol Intoxication |
AAI | Australians against Islam |
AAI | Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc |
AAI | Arkansas Aging Initiative |
AAI | Alliance for American Innovation |
AAI | Alexandria Archive Institute (San Francisco, CA) |
AAI | Arrival Aircraft Interval (air traffic control) |
AAI | Asociación Argentina para la Infancia (Spanish) |
AAI | AFAQ-AFNOR International |
AAI | Administrative Authority Identifier |
AAI | Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms |
AAI | Air-to-Air Interrogator |
AAI | Alliance Academy International |
AAI | American Atelier, Inc. (Allentown, PA) |
AAI | Automated AUTODIN Interface |
AAI | Armstrong Associates, Inc. |
AAI | Air-to-Air Interface |
AAI | Agent Administratif des Impôts (French: Tax Administrative Officer) |
AAI | Automatic Accounting Instruction (J.D. Edwards) |
AAI | Aortic Arch Interruption |
AAI | Air-to-Air Intercept |
AAI | Applications Alarms Infrastructure |
AAI | Aircraft Armament Incorporated |
AAI | Asean Australasia and India |
AAI | Alternatives to Abortion International |
AAI | All American Industries Company |
AAI | Association des Anciens de l'Isty (French: Association of the Former students of ISTY, French school in Versailles) |
AAI | Audit Action Item |
AAI | Antenna-Air Interface |
AAI | Agents Available Interval (Sprint) |
AAI | Automated Acquisition Information |
AAI | AMMRL Activity Identifier |
AAI | Army Analysis Intelligence |
AAI | Aesthetic Artist Interview |
AAI | Airborne Alert Indoctrination |
AAI | American Alpine Institution |
AAI | All Actors Integration |
AAI | Automobiles Anciennes de l'Indre (French automobile club) |
AAI | Atlantique Automatismes Incendie (French: Atlantic Fire Automation; fire protection system company) |
AAI | Automobile Association Ireland (est. 1910) |
AAI | Agence Azur Investigations (French private detective agency; Nice, France) |