Acronym | Definition |
CASM | Certified Agile Service Manager (course) |
CASM | Communications and System Management |
CASM | Cost per Available Seat Mile |
CASM | Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing (trade organization) |
CASM | Center for Advanced Sustainable Management (Cologne Business School; Germany) |
CASM | Communities and Small-scale Mining |
CASM | Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine |
CASM | Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology (behavioral science) |
CASM | Contingency Acquisition Support Model (software) |
CASM | Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Univeristy of Cambridge, UK) |
CASM | Communications Asset Survey and Mapping |
CASM | Coherent Adaptive Subcarrier Modulation |
CASM | Canadian Association for Safe Motorcycling |
CASM | Close Air Support Missile |
CASM | Coordinated Abatement Strategy Model (Stockholm Environment Institute) |
CASM | Combined Alarm-Status Monitor (electronic circuits) |
CASM | Compounded Average over Starting Months |
CASM | Combat Alignment System Manual |
CASM | Central Aircraft Systems Management |
CASM | Corps Artificer Sergeant Major (UK) |
CASM | Court Appointed Special Monitor (foster children) |