Acronym | Definition |
CASP | CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (certification) |
CASP | Counseling and School Psychology (Boise, ID) |
CASP | Communications Application Service Provider |
CASP | Critical Appraisal Skills Programme |
CASP | California Anti-SLAPP Project |
CASP | Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction |
CASP | California Association of School Psychologists |
CASP | Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention |
CASP | Community Alliance for Safety and Peace (Salinas, CA) |
CASP | Centre d'Action Sociale Protestant (French: Center for Protestant Social Action) |
CASP | Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (research experiment) |
CASP | Computer-Aided Search Planning (US DoD) |
CASP | Cassin's Sparrow (bird species Aimophila cassinii) |
CASP | Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme |
CASP | Canadian Agro-Sustainability Partnership (Charlottetown, PEI, Canada) |
CASP | Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (South Africa) |
CASP | Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction |
CASP | Clube de Astronomia de São Paulo (São Paulo City Astronomy Club, Brazil) |
CASP | California Aviation System Plan |
CASP | Child Analytic Study Program |
CASP | Computer-Assisted Search Planning (System) |
CASP | Canadian Atlantic Storms Program |
CASP | Civilian Acquired Skills Program |
CASP | Connecticut Association of School Psychologists |
CASP | Computer Aided Search Planning (US Coast Guard) |
CASP | Cytohesin Associated Scaffolding Protein |
CASP | Communications Applications Specific Processor |
CASP | Cabot After School Program (Newtonville, MA) |
CASP | Communication Application Service Provider |
CASP | Centralized Ammunition Stock Point (US Army) |
CASP | Coordinated Air/Sea Procedures |
CASP | Collaborative Agribusiness Support Program (USA) |
CASP | Conventional Activated Sludge Plant (wastewater treatment) |
CASP | CDS Application Support Programs (NASA) |
CASP | Commercial Auto Safety Program |
CASP | Country Analysis Strategy Paper |
CASP | Coherent Acoustic Sediment Probe |
CASP | Collaborative Association Study of Psoriasis |
CASP | Chemical Ammunition Supply Point |
CASP | Canadian Airspace Systems Plan |
CASP | Control & Status Panel |
CASP | Computer-Aided Structured Programming |
CASP | Commonwealth Additional Skills Program |
CASP | Contracted Application Service Provider |
CASP | Computer-Aided Search and Rescue Planning |