Acronym | Definition |
CIM | Common Information Model (DMTF) |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
CIM | Chartered Institute of Marketing |
CIM | Customer Interaction Management |
CIM | Classification Internationale des Maladies (French: International Classification of Diseases; World Health Organization) |
CIM | Cleveland Institute of Music |
CIM | California Institution for Men (state prison, Chino, California) |
CIM | Clubs in Manchester (UK; health clubs) |
CIM | Complementary and Integrative Medicine |
CIM | Constraint-Induced Movement (physical therapy) |
CIM | College of Industrial Management (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Saudi Arabia) |
CIM | Certificate in Marketing (various locations) |
CIM | Chronic Illness Management (healthcare) |
CIM | Chicago & Illinois Midland (railway) |
CIM | Composite Interval Mapping (genetics) |
CIM | Communities in Motion (Idaho) |
CIM | Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum |
CIM | Commercial Inland Marine (insurance) |
CIM | Conventional Injection Molding |
CIM | Collaborative Information Manager (software) |
CIM | Christian Identity Movement |
CIM | Continuous Improvement Model |
CIM | Continuous Improvement Monitoring (various locations) |
CIM | Centrum für Internationale Migration und Entwicklung (Germany) |
CIM | Chartered Investment Manager (Canada) |
CIM | Comcast Interactive Media (online media division) |
CIM | Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (Inter-American Commission of Women) |
CIM | Center for Internal Medicine (various locations) |
CIM | California International Marathon |
CIM | Central Intermediary Metabolism (biology) |
CIM | Compaq Insight Manager |
CIM | Christian Identity Ministries |
CIM | Common Information Manager |
CIM | Common Interface Module |
CIM | Common Interface Model |
CIM | Common Interface Manager |
CIM | Common Information Model |
CIM | Center for Information over the Media |
CIM | Customer Information Management |
CIM | Component Installation Manager |
CIM | Communications Information Model |
CIM | Central Interrupt Manager |
CIM | Concrete Industry Management (various schools) |
CIM | Canadian Investment Manager |
CIM | Computer Interface Module |
CIM | Ceramic Injection Molding |
CIM | China Inland Mission |
CIM | Certificate of Initial Mastery |
CIM | Corporate Information Management |
CIM | Canadian Institute of Management (Institut Canadien de Gestion) |
CIM | Center for Infectious Medicine (Karolinska Institutet; Sweden) |
CIM | Crédit d'Impôt Monoparental (French: Single Parent Tax Credit; Luxembourg) |
CIM | Communication Information Management (Germany) |
CIM | Center for Improvisational Music (Brooklyn, NY) |
CIM | Center for Integrative Medicine |
CIM | Computation Independent Model(s) |
CIM | Cardia Intestinal Metaplasia |
CIM | Construction Industry Management (various organizations) |
CIM | CompuServe Information Manager |
CIM | Clinical and Investigative Medicine (journal) |
CIM | Customer Insight Management |
CIM | Critical Incident Management (various companies) |
CIM | Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail |
CIM | Community Information Meeting (various locations) |
CIM | Continental Idea Management (Continental Corporation) |
CIM | Curtis Institute of Music |
CIM | Center for Information Management |
CIM | Computers in Manufacturing |
CIM | Compaq, Intel and Microsoft (technology companies) |
CIM | Compagnie Industrielle Maritime (French: Maritime Industrial Company; est. 1920) |
CIM | Centro di Igiene Mentale (Italian: Center for Mental Health) |
CIM | Center for Independent Media (Washington, DC) |
CIM | Certified Investment Manager (Canada) |
CIM | Cisco Interactive Mentor |
CIM | Confidential Information Memorandum (banking) |
CIM | Critical Illness Myopathy |
CIM | Centre d'Information sur les Médias (Center for Information about Media, Belgium) |
CIM | Cancer Information Management (degree program) |
CIM | Communications Interface Module |
CIM | Computer Information Management |
CIM | Computer Input Microfilm |
CIM | Conference and Incentive Management (European trade journal) |
CIM | Clinician In Management (journal) |
CIM | Continuous Improvement Management |
CIM | Center for International Migration and Development (German employment organization) |
CIM | Chevron Industrial Membrane |
CIM | Civil Information Management |
CIM | Cumulated Index Medicus |
CIM | Constructions Industrielles et Maritimes (French: Industrial and Maritime Constructions) |
CIM | Certified IRB Manager |
CIM | Canadian Institute of Marketing |
CIM | Centre for Infrastructure Management |
CIM | Communication, Information, Médias (French: Communication, Information, Media; University of Paris; Paris, France) |
CIM | Complex Image Method |
CIM | Certain Inputs to Manufacture (Australian government) |
CIM | Council of Indian Muslims (UK) |
CIM | Coeur Immaculé de Marie (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Mercy Association) |
CIM | Central Inmate Monitor (prisons) |
CIM | Continuous Improvement Measure |
CIM | Computer Input Multiplexer |
CIM | Consejo Internacional de Mujeres |
CIM | Controlled Induction Motor |
CIM | Component Information Model |
CIM | Centre d'Initiation Musicale (French: Music Initiation Center) |
CIM | Conception Industrielle et Montage (French: Industrial Design and Installation) |
CIM | Centre International de Myriapodologie (French: International Myriapodology Center) |
CIM | Commerce Ingénierie Maintenance (French: Commercial Maintenance Engineering) |
CIM | Consejo Inter-Regional Mapuche (Spanish: Mapuche Inter-Regional Council; indigenous organization; Chile) |
CIM | Centros Integrados de Mercancías |
CIM | Chaudronnerie Industrielle du Midi (French industrial boiler company) |
CIM | Centralized Installation Management (US Army) |
CIM | Cisco Interaction Manager |
CIM | Club Informatique Maguelone (French: Maguelone Computer Club; Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, France) |
CIM | Commercial Information Management |
CIM | Cluster des Industries de la Montagne (French: Cluster of Mountain Industries) |
CIM | Communications Improvement Memorandum |
CIM | Check's in the Mail (collection term) |
CIM | Carrosserie Industrielle Melloise (French industrial bodyword company) |
CIM | Crypto Interface Module |
CIM | Combat Information Monitor (vehicle traffic from North Viet Nam into the South) |
CIM | CorasWorks Idea Management (SharePoint) |
CIM | Controlled Industrial Material |
CIM | Council of International Anabaptist Ministries |
CIM | Continuous Image Microfilm |
CIM | Catalogue Item Master |
CIM | Customer Interface Manager (Sprint) |
CIM | Chassis Interconnect Module |
CIM | Culinary Institute of Michigan (Muskegon, MI) |
CIM | Controlled Insert Mailer |
CIM | Cerner Implementation Methodology |
CIM | Contractor Inventory Material |
CIM | Commercial Imagery Management |
CIM | Commerce et Innovation dans la Mode (French: Trade and Innovation in Fashion) |
CIM | Certified Innovation Manager (trademark of eKnowledgeCenter) |
CIM | Critical Issue Management |
CIM | Call Irregularity Message |
CIM | Casade Induction Motor |
CIM | Component Item Manager |
CIM | Compromise Information Message |
CIM | Configuration Identification Manual |
CIM | Customer Inventory Number |
CIM | Corporate Internet Marketing |
CIM | Composite Importance Measure |
CIM | Centre Informatique et Modélisation (French: Computer and Modeling Center) |
CIM | Codes for Instrument Manufacturers |
CIM | Coupe Internationale de Marseille (French: Marseille International Cup; sailing; Marseille, France) |
CIM | Christian Involvement Ministries |
CIM | Charité Internationale pour Madagascar (French: International Charity for Madagascar) |
CIM | Customer Impact Marketing |