Acronym | Definition |
BCA | Building Code of Australia |
BCA | Billiard Congress of America |
BCA | Building and Construction Authority (Singapore) |
BCA | Board of Contract Appeals |
BCA | British Car Auctions |
BCA | Boston Center for the Arts |
BCA | Business Council of Australia (Australia) |
BCA | Bureau of Criminal Apprehension |
BCA | Bank Central Asia |
BCA | Breast Cancer Action |
BCA | Benefit/Cost Analysis |
BCA | Business Consumer Alliance |
BCA | Bethel Christian Academy (various locations) |
BCA | Boeing Commercial Airplanes |
BCA | Burst Cutting Area |
BCA | British Chiropractic Association (UK) |
BCA | British Caving Association |
BCA | Business Case Analysis |
BCA | Budget Control Act of 2011 |
BCA | Biological Control Agent (plants) |
BCA | Binary Condensing Algorithm |
BCA | Business Car Award |
BCA | Broadcast Address |
BCA | Bind Column Addresses |
BCA | Benefit Cost Analysis |
BCA | Battery Charger Assembly |
BCA | Bare Chip Attach |
BCA | Brand Certificate Authority |
BCA | Block Cipher Algorithms |
BCA | Bradford Christian Academy (Haverhill, MA) |
BCA | Building Contractors Association |
BCA | Burlington City Arts (Vermont) |
BCA | Burren College of Art (Ireland) |
BCA | Black Coaches Association |
BCA | Building Consent Authority (various locations) |
BCA | British Cement Association |
BCA | Building Commissioning Association |
BCA | Building Control Authority (various locations) |
BCA | Buick Club of America (car club) |
BCA | Bank Credit Analyst |
BCA | Black Coaches and Administrators |
BCA | Berkshire College of Agriculture (UK) |
BCA | Bilan de Compétences Approfondi (French: Thorough Review of Skills; employment assessment) |
BCA | Business Corporation Act |
BCA | Brethren Colleges Abroad (foreign exchange program) |
BCA | Belle Chasse Academy (Belle Chasse, LA) |
BCA | Bunda College of Agriculture (Malawi) |
BCA | Bicinchoninic Acid Assay |
BCA | British Combat Association |
BCA | Business Critical Application (VMware) |
BCA | Business Centre Association (UK Serviced Office Trade Association) |
BCA | Bachelor of Computer Applications |
BCA | British Crystallographic Association |
BCA | Black Contractors Association (various locations) |
BCA | Business Cooperation Agreement (various companies) |
BCA | Bachelor of Commerce and Administration |
BCA | Bergen County Academies |
BCA | Basic Current Account (banks) |
BCA | Bataillons de Chasseurs Alpins (French: Battalions of Chasseurs Alpine; French military unit) |
BCA | Brent Coon & Associates (Beaumont, TX) |
BCA | Block Cipher Algorithm |
BCA | Bridge Certification Authority |
BCA | Biodiversity Conservation Alliance |
BCA | Body Composition Assessment |
BCA | Body Composition Analyzer |
BCA | Brown Citrus Aphid (insect pest) |
BCA | Bachelor of Creative Arts (degree) |
BCA | Board Certified Anesthesiologist |
BCA | Bureau of Consular Affairs |
BCA | British Coffee Association |
BCA | British Central Africa |
BCA | Berkeley Citizens Action |
BCA | Banknote Corporation of America |
BCA | Basic Credit Approval (UK) |
BCA | Bird Conservation Alliance |
BCA | Bureau of Canadian Archivists |
BCA | Broadcast Control Authority |
BCA | Brooklyn College Academy (Brooklyn, NY) |
BCA | Badminton Confederation of Africa |
BCA | Boys' Clubs of America |
BCA | Brownfield Cleanup Agreement (New York) |
BCA | Bibliothèque des Côtes d'Armor (French: Library of Cotes d'Armor) |
BCA | British Colostomy Association |
BCA | Basic Certification Administrator |
BCA | Baseline Capabilities Assessment (war) |
BCA | Bureau Canadien des Archivistes (French) |
BCA | Business Credit Application |
BCA | Building Conservation Associates, Inc |
BCA | Bird Clubs of America |
BCA | Business Computer Applications, Inc (Atlanta, Georgia) |
BCA | CorpBanca SA (stock symbol; Santiago, Chile) |
BCA | Bilateral Compliance Agreement |
BCA | Buoyant Cable Antenna |
BCA | Border Crossing Authority |
BCA | Book Club Association (UK) |
BCA | Buckman Community Association |
BCA | Belgian Cockpit Association |
BCA | Black Coalition on AIDS, Inc. |
BCA | Bourse des Contrats d'Apprentissage (French: Learning Exchange Contracts; apprenticeships) |
BCA | Bulk Choice Advantage (DirecTV) |
BCA | Base Closure Account |
BCA | Bombay Cricket Association |
BCA | Bolt Carrier Assembly |
BCA | Bearer Control Agent |
BCA | Battery Control Area |
BCA | Black Cherry Aphid |
BCA | Base Closure, Army |
BCA | Board Certified in Annuities |
BCA | Bayshore Cultural Arts |
BCA | Base Communications-Computer Systems Assessment |
BCA | Baby Care Adults |
BCA | Business Contracts Architecture |
BCA | Battery Charged Assembly |
BCA | Bangladesh Computer Association |
BCA | Brain, Cognition, and Action |
BCA | Broadcast Credit Association |
BCA | Booking Confirmation Agreement |
BCA | Bearer Control Access |
BCA | Bare Critical Assembly |
BCA | Balincourt et Caste Associés (French: Balincourt Caste and Associates; consulting firm) |
BCA | Biological Control Act of 1986 (Australia) |
BCA | Baxton Cannes Alsace (French real estate) |
BCA | British Consumers Association |
BCA | Battle Command Architecture |
BCA | Bacon Cheddar and Avocado (omelet served at the North Boulder Cafe, Boulder, CO, USA) |
BCA | Buehler Center on Aging |
BCA | Bois Carrelages Anciens (French: Old Wood Tile; antiques) |
BCA | Brevet de Chasseur à l'Arc (French: Patent Bow Hunter; certification) |
BCA | N-Benzylcyclopropylamine (chemistry) |