APVAlgemene Plaatselijke Verordening (German: General Local Regulation)
APVAdvanced Personal Vaporizer
APVAhorro Previsional Voluntario (Spanish: Voluntary Pension Savings)
APVAssociation de la Presse du Vin (French: Wine Press Association)
APVAdjusted Present Value
APVAudio Photo and Video
APVAll Purpose Vehicle
APVAssociation des Professeurs de Vente (French: Association of Sales Professors)
APVArbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik
APVAvian Pneumovirus
APVAdvanced Planning Visit
APVAll-Purpose Vehicle
APVAutostart and Process Viewer (freeware)
APVAcute Paralysis Virus (honey bee disease)
APVApproach (Procedure) with Vertical Guidance (aviation)
APVAverage Peak Velocity
APVAmbulatory Procedure Visit
APVAlliance for Progressive Values (Richmond, VA)
APVAnimal Protection Voters
APVAffectations Prioritaires à Valoriser (French: Priority Value Assignments)
APVAutomatic Program Verification (symposium)
APVArmored Patrol Vehicle
APVAccounts Payable Voucher
APVAnti-Pop Videos
APVArmored Personnel Vehicle
APVAir Pressure Vessel (drilling)
APVAnomalous Pulmonary Vein
APVArmored Passenger Vehicle (noncombat passenger protection)
APVArithmetic Progression Vector