Acronym | Definition |
BRB | Be Right Back (chat/slang) |
BRB | Barbados (ISO Country code) |
BRB | Brandenburg |
BRB | Birmingham Royal Ballet |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BRB | Benefits Review Board (US Department of Labor) |
BRB | Brienz Rothorn Bahn (Swiss railway) |
BRB | British Railways Board |
BRB | Bond Review Board (Texas) |
BRB | Banque de la République du Burundi (Central Bank of Burundi) |
BRB | Bar Room Bar (UK) |
BRB | Bathroom Break (chat) |
BRB | Big Red Button |
BRB | Benelux Research Business |
BRB | Biometric Research Branch |
BRB | Brigade de Répression du Banditisme (French police) |
BRB | Builders Registration Board (AU) |
BRB | Buckling-Restrained Brace (engineering) |
BRB | Big Red Balls (gaming) |
BRB | Brazilian Rainbow Boa (herpetoculture) |
BRB | Butler Rogers Baskett Architects |
BRB | Bright Red Blood (medical) |
BRB | Benzodiazepine Receptor Binding |
BRB | Bath Room Break |
BRB | Blue Ridge Broadcasting |
BRB | Business Research Bureau |
BRB | Blue Ridge Boogie |
BRB | Busy Rescuing Batman |
BRB | Baseline Review Board (US Navy) |
BRB | Black River Boats |
BRB | Budget Review Board |
BRB | Briggs Rainbow Buildings, Inc. |
BRB | Biweekly Rate Booklet |
BRB | Base Rate Boundary |
BRB | Bug Review Board |
BRB | Brittany Rolled Baits |
BRB | Business Reducing Barriers (UK) |
BRB | Big Red Band |
BRB | Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building (University of Texas, Austin) |
BRB | Bayerische Regionalbahn (German: Bavarian Regional Rail; Bavaria, Germany) |
BRB | Bongibault Rénovation Bâtiment (French building renovation company) |
BRB | Black Raid Bulls (French airsoft club) |
BRB | Batteries de Renseignement de Brigade (French armed forces unit) |
BRB | Buried Ruins of Bacaba (gaming, Outwar Zone) |
BRB | Banco Regional de Brasília SA (Brazilian bank) |
BRB | Baguio Realtors Board (Philippines) |