Acronym | Definition |
ACLT | Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection (surgical procedure) |
ACLT | African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (blood and bone marrow donation; UK) |
ACLT | Anchorage Community Land Trust (est. 2003; Anchorage, AK) |
ACLT | American Chestnut Land Trust |
ACLT | Accelerated Cable Life Test |
ACLT | Aéro-Club de la Tranche-sur-Mer (French air club) |
ACLT | Advanced Community Law Training |
ACLT | Actual Calculated Landing Time |
ACLT | Albany Community Land Trust (Albany, NY) |
ACLT | Association Canadienne de Loisir Therapeutique (French: Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association) |
ACLT | Ashland Community Land Trust (est. 1998; Ashland, OR) |
ACLT | Associated Contract Loggers and Truckers (of Minnesota) |
ACLT | Acquisition Lead Time |