ACMIAmerican Community Mutual Insurance (Michigan)
ACMIAircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance (wet lease)
ACMIArt & Creative Materials Institute
ACMIAir Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
ACMIAmerican College of Medical Informatics
ACMIAustralian Center for the Moving Image
ACMIAmerican Cystoscope Makers, Inc.
ACMIAssociation of Christians Ministering among Internationals
ACMIActive CounterMeasures Instructional
ACMIAdult Children of the Mentally Ill
ACMIAssociate, Chartered Management Institute (UK)
ACMIAutomatic Crystallographic Map Interpretation (software)
ACMIAgents Chargés d'une Mission d'Inspection (French)
ACMIAdvanced Custom Made Implants (University Hospital, Pellenberg, Belgium; hip prostheses)
ACMIAssocostruttori Chiusure e Meccanismi Italia (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Doors and their Components)
ACMIAmerican College of Medical Informatimusicology (blog)
ACMIArlington Community Media Incorporated (Arlington, MA)