BExBusiness Explorer
BExBackup Exec (Veritas)
BExBackup Express (Syncsort)
BExBusiness Exchange
BExBusiness Express
BExBuckeye Express (high-speed Internet service; Buckeye Cablevision, Inc.; Ohio and Michigan)
BExBuilding Exchange (European conference)
BExBanco Exterior de España (Spanish: Exterior Bank of Spain; trade finance bank)
BExBroadband Exchange
BExBoard of Examiners
BExBureau de l'Exécution des Peines (French: Office for the Execution of Sentences)
BExBoston Equity Exchange (Boston, MA)
BExBudget Execution (NOAA division)
BExBuffer Overflow Exception
BExBureau Extrusion (French: Extrusion Office)
BExBuild Execution
BExBroadside Exchange