BURPBackUp and Restore Program
BURPBrandeis University Recycling Program
BURPBig and Ugly Rendering Project (distributed computing project)
BURPBrewers United for Real Potables (homebrewing club)
BURPBeneficial Use Reconnaissance Project
BURPBig Ugly Rock Piece (Lego slang)
BURPBasic User Registration Protocol
BURPBachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
BURPBackwards, Upwards, Rightwards Pressure (maneuver applied to laryngeal cartilage to improve view of larynx)
BURPBasic Undergraduate RISC Processor (UCSB)
BURPBlue River Parkway
BURPBlowfish Updated Re-entrant Project (cryptography)
BURPBug Restoration Project
BURPBiometric Underwater Robot Program