Acronym | Definition |
CAR | Carriage |
CAR | Customer Account Representative |
CAR | Center for Automotive Research |
CAR | Caribbean |
CAR | Climate Action Reserve (Los Angeles, CA) |
CAR | Central African Republic |
CAR | California Association of Realtors |
CAR | Computer Assisted Reporting |
CAR | Children at Risk |
CAR | Carre (French: Square; Canada Post street designation) |
CAR | Collect And Return |
CAR | Chimeric Antigen Receptor (proteins) |
CAR | County Carlow (Ireland) |
CAR | Computer-Assisted Radiology |
CAR | Club Alfa Romeo (car club) |
CAR | Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (Spanish: Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca; Cundinamarca, Colombia) |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Ratio |
CAR | Community and Alumni Relations (various locations) |
CAR | Cordillera Administrative Region (Philippines) |
CAR | Court Appointed Receiver |
CAR | Committed Access Rate |
CAR | Center Axis Relock (firearms) |
CAR | Control of Asbestos Regulations (UK) |
CAR | Conflict Armament Research (identifies and tracks weapons and ammunition in contemporary armed conflicts) |
CAR | Carian (linguistics) |
CAR | Corrective Action Request |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Requirement (various locations) |
CAR | Capacity Analysis Report |
CAR | Certificate of Alien Registration (various locations) |
CAR | Center for Applied Research |
CAR | Capital-at-Risk |
CAR | Carotid Artery Rupture (heart care) |
CAR | Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (Australia) |
CAR | Canadian Association of Radiologists |
CAR | Center for Assisted Reproduction (Bedford, TX) |
CAR | Combat Action Ribbon |
CAR | Certified Annual Report (various organizations) |
CAR | Contract Action Report (US DoD) |
CAR | Children of the American Revolution (Society) |
CAR | Civil Air Regulations |
CAR | Computer Antivirus Research |
CAR | Corrective Action Requests |
CAR | Computer Aided Repair |
CAR | Cdr Analysis and Reporting |
CAR | Certification Approval Request |
CAR | Cedar Apple Rust (fungal disease) |
CAR | Cancer-Associated Retinopathy |
CAR | Corrective Action Report |
CAR | Canadian Aviation Regulation |
CAR | Committee on Accreditation Review (Massachusetts) |
CAR | Controlled Activities Regulations (UK) |
CAR | Champions Are Readers (literacy) |
CAR | Cordillera Autonomous Region (Philippines) |
CAR | Cumulative Abnormal Return (finance) |
CAR | Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor |
CAR | Contract Administration Services |
CAR | Civil Aviation Regulation |
CAR | Critical Areas Report (Washington) |
CAR | Canadian Airborne Regiment (Canadian armed forces) |
CAR | Clock with Adaptive Replacement (computer algorithm) |
CAR | Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (Massachusetts) |
CAR | Computer Assisted Retrieval |
CAR | Construction All Risks (insurance policy) |
CAR | Courtesy Amount Recognition |
CAR | Chief of the Army Reserve (US DoD) |
CAR | Contractor's All Risks |
CAR | Combat Assault Rifle |
CAR | Corporate Authorized Representative |
CAR | Commissioner's Annual Report |
CAR | Carbine Assault Rifle (as in CAR-15) |
CAR | Carotid artery Repair (heart care) |
CAR | Calais Auto Racing (France) |
CAR | Club Alpine Renault (automobile club; UK) |
CAR | Contract Agreement Reference |
CAR | Club des Amateurs d'Anciennes Renault (French: Old Renault Enthusiasts Club; automobile club) |
CAR | Capital Asset Ratio |
CAR | Customer Acceptance Review |
CAR | Causal Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area) |
CAR | Custodian Asset Report (defense) |
CAR | Contents of Address Register |
CAR | Committee Against Racism (social activism) |
CAR | Canadian Association of Rocketry |
CAR | Cisco Access Registrar |
CAR | Capability Assessment for Readiness |
CAR | Cloud Active Reception (computing) |
CAR | Club Athlétique du Roannais (French: Roanne Athletic Club; Roanne, France) |
CAR | Computer Account Request (form; University of Texas) |
CAR | Communauté d'Agglomération de Reims (French: Agglomeration Community of Reims; Reims, France) |
CAR | Comité d'Aide aux Réfugiés (French: Refugee Aid Committee) |
CAR | Cardiac Ambulation Routine (heart) |
CAR | Colt Automatic Rifle |
CAR | Corporate Account Representative |
CAR | Comparative Analysis Report |
CAR | Casualty Assistance Representative |
CAR | Central Apparatus Room |
CAR | Compressed Air Receiver |
CAR | Commercial Aviation Report (magazine) |
CAR | Contrat Ambition Réussite (French: Ambition Success Contract; education) |
CAR | Capital Appropriation Request |
CAR | Centre d'Analyses et de Recherches (French: Center for Analysis and Research; various locations) |
CAR | Centro Addestramento Reclute (Italian: military training center) |
CAR | Contents of Address of Register (first element of generalized list in LISP) |
CAR | Central Access Routing (open gate) |
CAR | Cell Adhesion Regulator |
CAR | Constitutively Active Androstane Receptor |
CAR | Cèze Auto Rétro (French automobile club) |
CAR | Cellule d'Animation du Reseau (French) |
CAR | Condition And Recommendation |
CAR | Channel Address Register |
CAR | Congressional Affairs Representative |
CAR | Center for AIDS Rights (Thailand) |
CAR | Chief Airship Rigger (US Navy rank) |
CAR | Condenser Air Removal |
CAR | Commerce Acquisition Regulations (US Department of Commerce) |
CAR | Configuration Acceptance Review |
CAR | Congenital Articular Rigidity |
CAR | Cumulative Average Residual |
CAR | Commander, Army Reserve |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Rule |
CAR | Crude Argon |
CAR | Catalog Action Request |
CAR | Coherent Antistokes Raman |
CAR | Contract Action Request |
CAR | Command Assessment Review |
CAR | Configuration Audit Review |
CAR | Combined Arms Rehearsal (US Army) |
CAR | Collection Activity Report |
CAR | Community Assistance for Refugees (refugee assistance organization in Mankato, MN) |
CAR | Carney Myxoma-Endocrine Complex Carney Syndrome |
CAR | Customer Analytic Record (data warehouse/business intelligence) |
CAR | Cellular Activation Request |
CAR | Cilia-Associated Respiratory Bacilli |
CAR | Client Address Redistribution |
CAR | Corrective Action Study |
CAR | Capital Acquisition Request |
CAR | Chambéry Auto Rétro (French automobile club; Chambéry, France) |
CAR | Contract Administrator Representative |
CAR | Command Alarm Reset |
CAR | Concept Assessment Report |
CAR | Control Advisory Release |
CAR | Channel Adaptive Receiver |
CAR | Circumstance Action Result (interviewing strategy) |
CAR | Credit Approval Report |
CAR | Contract Audit Review |
CAR | Constraints and Restrictions Document |
CAR | Current Action Report |
CAR | Call Allocation Routing (Sprint) |
CAR | Configuration Analysis Report |
CAR | Cahors Auto Rétro (French classic automobile club) |
CAR | Capital Authorisation Request |
CAR | Consolidated Arrest Report |
CAR | Certification Approval Report/Request |
CAR | Corps Automation Requirements |
CAR | Contract Assessment Review |
CAR | California Association for Rehabilitation |
CAR | Contract Appraisal Report |
CAR | Category-Agent-Reason |
CAR | Compilation and Reporting Issues |
CAR | Corrective Account Representative |
CAR | Carrier Activated Relay (radio transmitters) |
CAR | Customer Access Record (TMN) |
CAR | Cyclic Asset Report |
CAR | Consumer Asset Risk |
CAR | Communications Automation Review |
CAR | Centro Administrativo de la Red (Telmex) |
CAR | Combrailles Auto-Rétro (French automobile club; Combrailles, France) |
CAR | Club Autun Rétro (French automobile club; Autun, France) |