Acronym | Definition |
AJP | American Journal of Psychiatry |
AJP | American Journal of Pathology |
AJP | American Journal of Physiology |
AJP | Apache JServ Protocol |
AJP | American Journal of Philology |
AJP | Applied Jewelry Professional (trademark of Gemological Institute of America, Inc.) |
AJP | Accredited Jewelry Professional |
AJP | American Journal of Psychotherapy |
AJP | Artistic Judaic Promotions (est. 1995) |
AJP | Association des Journalistes Professionnels (Belgium) |
AJP | Access to Justice Project (various organizations) |
AJP | Allied Joint Publication |
AJP | Australian Journal of Pharmacy |
AJP | Access to Justice Programme (various organizations) |
AJP | Association des Journalistes du Patrimoine (French: Association of Heritage Journalists) |
AJP | Audio Jack Panel (various companies) |
AJP | Attention Japan Products, Ltd. (Japan) |
AJP | Alien Jazz Party (London, UK) |
AJP | Arab-Jewish Partnership |
AJP | Arabtech Jardaneh Palestine |
AJP | Asian Journal of Psychiatry (Official Journal of the Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations) |
AJP | Aboriginal Justice Plan (Australia) |
AJP | Association Jeunesse Plainfinoise (French youth association) |
AJP | Action Jeu Paintball (French paintball equipment retailer) |
AJP | Advanced Joint Planning ACTD |
AJP | Al (Melling) John (Ravenscroft) Peter (Wheeler) TVR Engine |
AJP | Association Jeunesse Populaire (French) |