BOFBoys Over Flowers (anime)
BOFBusiness of Fashion (resource)
BOFBirds Of a Feather
BOFBreath of Fire (Capcom video game)
BOFBasic Oxygen Furnace
BOFBest of Friends
BOFBest of Five
BOFBank of Fukuoka, Ltd. (Japan)
BOFBook of Fun
BOFBuffer Overflow
BOFBank of Finland
BOFBeginning Of File
BOFBoard of Forestry (California)
BOFBatman on Film (fan website)
BOFBoard Of Fisheries
BOFBirth of the Federation (Star Trek game)
BOFBody on Frame (automotive)
BOFBusiness Oriented Framework
BOFBottom of Fuel
BOFBottom Of Form
BOFBoring Old Fart
BOFBudget Office of the Federation (Nigeria)
BOFBusiness Object Framework
BOFBunch of Freaks
BOFBritish Orienteering Federation
BOFBande Originale du Film (French: original sound track)
BOFBug or Feature
BOFBréviaire d'Orthographe Française (French spelling and grammar software)
BOFBarrel of Fun
BOFBlown Optical Fiber (method of delivery)
BOFBall of Foot
BOFBacon Old-Fashioned (alcoholic beverage)
BOFBusiness Opportunity Form (sales support document)
BOFBedienoberfläche (German: User Interface)
BOFBand of Friends (gaming clan)
BOFBetween Ontologies and Folksonomies (workshop)
BOFBase of Fire (non-maneuver element that provides sustained cover)
BOFBinary Oxide Film
BOFBrotherhood of the Falcon (Belegarth)
BOFBack Order File
BOFBilling and Ordering Forum (ATIS)
BOFBank Operating Funds
BOFBreak on Fall (float switches)
BOFBasic Own Funds (finance)