Acronym | Definition |
CIP | Capital Improvement Plan |
CIP | Chartered Insurance Professional |
CIP | Classification of Instructional Programs |
CIP | Clean-In-Place |
CIP | Capital Improvement Program |
CIP | Critical Infrastructure Protection |
CIP | Center for International Policy (Washington, DC, USA) |
CIP | Canadian Institute of Planners (Urban Planners Professional Association) |
CIP | COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Improvement Program |
CIP | Christians in Politics |
CIP | Customer Identification Program |
CIP | Center in the Park (Philadelphia, PA; est. 1968) |
CIP | Communities in Partnership (various locations) |
CIP | Cataloging In Publication |
CIP | Center for International Programs (New Mexico State University) |
CIP | Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (EU) |
CIP | Common Indexing Protocol |
CIP | Culinary Institute of the Pacific (Hawaii) |
CIP | Children in Poverty (various organizations) |
CIP | Certified Information Professional |
CIP | Centro Internacional de la Papa (Peru) |
CIP | Carrier Identification Parameter (ATMF) |
CIP | Cured-in-Place (pipes) |
CIP | Color Image Processing |
CIP | Conseiller d'Insertion et de Probation (French probation counselor) |
CIP | Center for Information Processing (various schools) |
CIP | Chemotherapy-Induced Pain (cancer) |
CIP | Consumer and Industrial Product (sector) |
CIP | Community Involvement Plan |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid to (shipping) |
CIP | Congenital Insensitivity to Pain (rare condition) |
CIP | Continuation In Part |
CIP | Case In Point |
CIP | Continuous Improvement Process |
CIP | Council of Indigenous Peoples (Taiwan) |
CIP | Court Improvement Project |
CIP | Campbell Industrial Park (Hawaii) |
CIP | Cast-In-Place |
CIP | Comitato Italiano Paralimpico (Italian: Italian Paralympic Committee) |
CIP | Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA) |
CIP | Construction In Progress |
CIP | Cochlear Implant Program (hearing) |
CIP | Computer Integrated Processors |
CIP | Common Image Processor |
CIP | Communication Inter Process |
CIP | Common Industrial Protocol |
CIP | Component Independent Palette |
CIP | Common Isdn Access Profile |
CIP | Central Integrated Processor |
CIP | Customer Initiated Payment |
CIP | Catalogue Interoperability Protocol |
CIP | Cost Insurrance Paid |
CIP | Constant Differential Injector Pressure |
CIP | Carrier Identification Parameter |
CIP | Cost Insurance Paid |
CIP | Channel Interface Processor |
CIP | Cellular Ip |
CIP | Crypto Ignition Plug |
CIP | Computer Aided Intuition Guided Programming |
CIP | Commit in Progress |
CIP | Communication Interface Port |
CIP | Commerce Interchange Pipeline |
CIP | Continual Improvement Program (software) |
CIP | Covered Interest Parity (International finance) |
CIP | Chipley (Amtrak station code; Chipley, FL) |
CIP | City of Piedmont (Piedmont, CA) |
CIP | Channel Interface Processor (Cisco) |
CIP | Certified IRB Professional |
CIP | Carbon-In-Pulp |
CIP | Conservation Incentive Program (various locations) |
CIP | Capital Investment Plan |
CIP | Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (Canada) |
CIP | Capital Investment Program |
CIP | Calf Intestinal Phosphatase (alkaline phosphatase) |
CIP | Cast Iron Pipe |
CIP | Channel Improvement Project (various locations) |
CIP | Cold Isostatic Pressing |
CIP | Centre d'Innovation Pédagogique (French: Center for Educational Innovation) |
CIP | Career Intern Program |
CIP | Centre International de Plongée (French: International Diving Center) |
CIP | Conservation Improvement Plan (utility requirment; Minnesota) |
CIP | Current Icing Potential (algorithm) |
CIP | Cheeseburger in Paradise |
CIP | Controlled Insurance Program |
CIP | Computers in Physics |
CIP | Critical Infrastructure Program |
CIP | Control and Information Protocol |
CIP | Colusa Industrial Properties (Colusa, CA) |
CIP | Critical Illness Polyneuropathy |
CIP | Club Inter Pharmaceutique (French pharmacy association) |
CIP | CDK-Interacting Protein |
CIP | Change Implementation Plan |
CIP | Customized Installation Package |
CIP | Certified Internet Professional |
CIP | Collection de l'Institut Pasteur (French: Collection of Pasteur's Institute) |
CIP | Common Integrated Processor |
CIP | Current-in-Plane (geometry) |
CIP | Centre d'Information du Public (French: Public Information Center) |
CIP | Customer Information Program (Citibank) |
CIP | Commercially Important Person |
CIP | Community Investment Process (United Way) |
CIP | Customs Information Papers (trade) |
CIP | Civilian Investigative Panel (Miami, FL) |
CIP | Center for Islamic Pluralism (Washington, DC) |
CIP | Coating Inspector Program |
CIP | County Information Project (Texas) |
CIP | Citizen Information Project (UK) |
CIP | Craig's Interpolation Property (mathematics) |
CIP | Constrained Interpolation Profile (numerical method) |
CIP | Command Inspection Program |
CIP | Component Improvement Program |
CIP | Common Imagery Processor |
CIP | California Innocence Project (law school program) |
CIP | Carbonyl Iron Powder |
CIP | Club Italiano Panhard (Italian automobile club) |
CIP | Customer Identification Procedure |
CIP | Customer Installable Parts |
CIP | Cross Island Parkway (Queens NY) |
CIP | Community Initiative Program |
CIP | Color Inkjet Printer |
CIP | Common Isochronous Packet |
CIP | Command Interface Port |
CIP | Census of Industrial Production |
CIP | Centre d'Information sur la Prévention des Difficultés des Entreprises (French: Information Center on the Prevention of Problems of Enterprises) |
CIP | Commission Internationale Permanente (ammunition standard) |
CIP | Convergent Intelligence Platform (crime mapping) |
CIP | Current Instructional Practices (education) |
CIP | Center for Independent Publishing |
CIP | Combat Identification Panel |
CIP | Community Internship Programme (New Zealand) |
CIP | Commercial Important Person |
CIP | Customer Initiated Payment (Web-based retail) |
CIP | Compliance Improvement Plan (US Customs) |
CIP | Common Installation Picture |
CIP | Customer-Initiated Payment |
CIP | Cardiac Injury Panel |
CIP | Computer Integrated Processing |
CIP | Cook Islands People's Party |
CIP | Connector Interface Panel |
CIP | Community Indicator Project (various locations) |
CIP | Commercial Important Passenger (air travel) |
CIP | Customer Incentive Program |
CIP | Compliance Initiative Project |
CIP | Centre International de Pilotage (French: International Steering Center; motorcycle training) |
CIP | Corporate Incentive Program |
CIP | Commercial Import Program |
CIP | Computed Impact Point |
CIP | Common Intelligence Picture |
CIP | Caudal Intraparietal |
CIP | Civic Involvement Projects (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey) |
CIP | Centre d'Ingénierie Pédagogique (French: Engineering Teaching Center) |
CIP | Cataloging-in-Print |
CIP | Clark Internet Publishing |
CIP | Communications Interface Processor |
CIP | Catalogue Item Publication |
CIP | Combat Information Processor |
CIP | Come In Please (radio) |
CIP | Crypto-Ignition Plug |
CIP | Compressor Inlet Pressure |
CIP | Combined Interoperability Program |
CIP | Critical Intelligence Parameter |
CIP | Customer Interface Panel (DSC) |
CIP | Cinémas Indépendants Parisiens (French: Paris Independent Cinemas; est. 1992; Paris, France) |
CIP | Compacted in Place |
CIP | Christians in Parliament (UK) |
CIP | Capital Investment Proposal(s) |
CIP | Command Information Program |
CIP | Customer Interaction Platform |
CIP | Centre Immobilier du Poitou (French real estate company) |
CIP | Customer Integration Panel |
CIP | Concept Industriel des Plastiques (French industrial plastics company) |
CIP | Client Interest Program |
CIP | Contraband Interdiction Program (Florida) |
CIP | Counter Intelligence Program |
CIP | Chad in Portland (radio personality; Oregon) |
CIP | Communication Improvement Program |
CIP | Corrugated Iron Pipe |
CIP | Centre for International Poverty Research (University of Bergen; Norway) |
CIP | Construction Inspection Procedure |
CIP | Class Improvement Plan |
CIP | Coordinated Instrument Package |
CIP | Clothing Issue Point |
CIP | Consolidated Intelligence Program |
CIP | Centre for International Peacebuilding |
CIP | Channel Identification Plan (cable television) |
CIP | Cost Improvement Project |
CIP | Contract Into Plane |
CIP | Congreso de Investigación Politécnica |
CIP | Cellular Internet Protocol |
CIP | CINC Interoperability Program Office |
CIP | Consolidated Imagery Program |
CIP | Club Informatique Paca (French computer club) |
CIP | Core Investment Program |
CIP | Communications Implementation Plan |
CIP | Certificate of Inspection and Possession (property regulation) |
CIP | Civic Internet Portal |
CIP | Communications Improvement Plan |
CIP | Convergencia Indígena Popular (Spanish: Indigenous People's Convergence) |
CIP | Customer Invoice Processing |
CIP | Capital Investment Panel |
CIP | Coast-In Point |
CIP | Classical Internet Protocol Over ATM |
CIP | Component-Independent Palette |
CIP | Critical Item Program |
CIP | Chef d'Incident Principal |
CIP | Commands In Progress |
CIP | Contract Improvement Program |
CIP | Customer Information Package |
CIP | Collision Intervention Processor |
CIP | Cultural Initiatives Programme (Department of Canadian Heritage) |
CIP | Class Improvement Program |
CIP | Candidate Interoperability Plan |
CIP | Cluster Intercept Parameter |
CIP | Common Improvement Program |
CIP | Current Intelligence Picture |
CIP | COMSEC Interface Processor |
CIP | Configuration Interaction with Partner Orbitals |
CIP | Center for Interactive Programs (University of Wisconsin) |
CIP | Communication Invoice Process |
CIP | Commander's Involvement Program |
CIP | Consumer Identity Protection |
CIP | Commanders Information Program |
CIP | Compagnia Italiana Petroli (Fidenza, Italy defunct chemical company) |
CIP | Component Installation Procedure |
CIP | Component Improvement Plan |
CIP | Concrete Insulated Panel |
CIP | Capability Improvement Program |
CIP | Computer Information and Planning, Inc. (Jacksonville, FL; est. 1982) |