Acronym | Definition |
CIPF | Canadian Investor Protection Fund |
CIPF | Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria |
CIPF | Centre d'Immunologie Pierre Fabre |
CIPF | Capital Improvement and Preservation Fund |
CIPF | Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmacéuticas |
CIPF | Council for International People’s Friendship (Sudan) |
CIPF | Camden & Islington Providers Forum |
CIPF | Conditional Iterative Proportional Fitting (algorithm) |
CIPF | Commission for the Inter Parish Finance |
CIPF | Consumers' Interest Protection Forum (Nepal) |
CIPF | Centre Indépendant de Promation Fourragère |
CIPF | Configuration Interaction method involving Pauli-Fock atomic orbitals |
CIPF | Centros de Información y Planificación Familiar |
CIPF | Clinical Illness Promoting Factor |
CIPF | Consolidated Improvement Preservation Fund |
CIPF | Confederación Internacional del Comercio en Pajas y Forrajes |
CIPF | Community Improvement Projects and Funding |
CIPF | Corporate Integrated Planning Framework |
CIPF | Council of Investigating Production Forces |
CIPF | Competitive price with Income and Population determinates on the expected Future |
CIPF | Capital Improvement Project Fund |
CIPF | Congresul International al Profesorilor de Franceza (Romania) |