CIPSCanadian Information Processing Society
CIPSCommunication and Interpersonal Skills
CIPSCertified International Property Specialist (National Association of Realtors)
CIPSChartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
CIPSChina International Payment System
CIPSChina International Pet Show (trade show)
CIPSCisco Intrusion Prevention System (software)
CIPSClose Interval Potential Survey (pipeline integrity protection system)
CIPSCentral Illinois Public Service
CIPSCollegium Internationale Psychiatriae Scalarum (psychiatric association)
CIPSCovington Independent Public Schools (KY)
CIPSCritical Infrastructure Protection Standards (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)
CIPSCentre d'Information des Professions de la Santé
CIPSCenter for Integrated Photonic Systems (MIT)
CIPSCustoms Inspection Processing Services (US DHS; Miami, FL)
CIPSCombat Identification Panels
CIPSCreative, Independent, Problem Solving (educational curriculum)
CIPSConsumer, Industrial Products & Services (business sector)
CIPSCyberspace Infrastructure Planning System (US DoD)
CIPSC4ISR Infrastructure Planning System
CIPSCertified Infrastructure Protection Specialist (Office of Infrastructure Preparedness)
CIPSCenter for Intellectual Property Studies
CIPSConfédération Internationale de Pêche Sportive (International Confederation of Sport Fly Fishing)
CIPSCentral Industrial Packaging Supply, Inc (East Syracuse, NY)
CIPSCopilot Instrument Power Switch
CIPSCentral Illinois Precision Shooters
CIPSCast-in-Place thinshell System (construction)
CIPSComputer Integrated Process Systems
CIPSCritical Item Product Specification