Acronym | Definition |
CIRA | Canadian Internet Registration Authority (domain registry authority) |
CIRA | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere |
CIRA | Contrôle Industriel et Régulation Automatique (French: Industrial Control and Automatic Control) |
CIRA | Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (IEEE workshop) |
CIRA | Canadian Internet Registration Authority |
CIRA | Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (Yale University School of Public Health) |
CIRA | Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali |
CIRA | Continuity Irish Republican Army |
CIRA | Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (Lausanne, Switzerland) |
CIRA | Canadian Industrial Relations Association |
CIRA | Citi Investment Research & Analysis |
CIRA | Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors; Medford, OR) |
CIRA | Central Illinois Regional Airport |
CIRA | Centres Interministériels de Renseignements Administratifs (French: Interdepartmental Centers of Administrative Information) |
CIRA | COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere |
CIRA | Center for Iranian Research and Analysis |
CIRA | Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (US) |
CIRA | Council of Independent Restaurants of America |
CIRA | Center for Industrial Research Applications |
CIRA | Common Interest Realty Association |
CIRA | Center for Institutional Development (Macedonia) |
CIRA | Certificado de Inexistencia de Restos Arqueológicos (Spanish: Certificate of Absence of Archaeological Remains; cultural heritage protection; Peru) |
CIRA | Cairo Investment and Real Estate Development (stock symbol) |
CIRA | Catastrophic Incident Response Annex (National Response Plan) |
CIRA | Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis (Washington, DC) |
CIRA | Centre International de Rencontres Artistiques (French dance school) |
CIRA | Central Intelligence Retiree Association |
CIRA | Centre d'Information et de Renseignements Administratifs (French administrative information center) |
CIRA | Calcul Intensif en Rhône Alpes (French: Intensive Computing in the Rhone Alps; Rhone Alps, France) |
CIRA | Center for Integration of Research and Action (University of North Carolina) |
CIRA | Center for iPS (Induced Pluripotent Stem) Cell Research and Application (Kyoto University; Japan) |
CIRA | Common Interest Reality Association |
CIRA | Customer Identification and Risk Assessment |