Acronym | Definition |
CHRS | Centres d'Hébergement et de Réinsertion Sociale (French: Accommodation Centres and Social Reinsertion) |
CHRS | Centre d'Hébergement et de Réadaptation Sociale (French: Social Rehabilitation and Accommodation Center) |
CHRS | Canadian Heritage Rivers System |
CHRS | Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing |
CHRS | Charterers (shipping) |
CHRS | Certified Human Resources Specialist |
CHRS | Criminal History Record Search |
CHRS | Containment Heat Removal System |
CHRS | Contract-Hold-Relax-Stretch (fitness) |
CHRS | Canadian Heart Rhythm Society |
CHRS | Christian Syndrome |
CHRS | Centralized Heat Removal Systems |
CHRS | Confinement Heat Removal System |