Acronym | Definition |
CFFA | Certified Forensic Financial Analyst |
CFFA | Chilean Fresh Fruit Association |
CFFA | Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements |
CFFA | Connecticut Fly Fisherman's Association |
CFFA | Chemical Fabrics and Film Association |
CFFA | Canadian Foster Family Association |
CFFA | Cascade Foothills Farmland Association (North Central Washington) |
CFFA | Canadian Forces Fire Academy |
CFFA | Central Florida Fire Academy |
CFFA | Compact Flash for Apple |
CFFA | Casey Foster Family Assessments |
CFFA | Colorado Fire Fighters Academy |
CFFA | Clara Foltz Feminist Association (San Francisco, CA) |
CFFA | Call Forwarding to Fixed Announcement |
CFFA | Canadian Football Fan Association |
CFFA | Crested Fowl Fanciers Association |
CFFA | Cracked Foundation for the Fine Arts |
CFFA | Corning Fire Fighters Association |
CFFA | Charlotte Fire Fighters Association (North Carolina) |
CFFA | Christian Film Festivals of America |
CFFA | Clovis Firefighters Association (Clovis, CA) |