CfHConnecting for Health
CfHCowboys from Hell (referring to the band Pantera)
CfHCold Fusion Hosting
CfHComplement Factor H (gene)
CfHCentre for the Humanities (Netherlands)
CfHCubic Feet per Hour
CfHCall for Help (TechTV show)
CfHCenter for Homeless (South Bend, IN)
CfHChemical Fume Hood (laboratories)
CfHChristian Fellowship Hospital (India)
CfHCape Fear Hospital (North Carolina)
CfHClient from Hell
CfHCompany from Hell
CfHCarle Foundation Hospital (Urbana, IL)
CfHComplex Frequency Hopping
CfHCanadian Food for the Hungry
CfHChefs for Humanity (anti-hunger organization)
CfHCash-Flow Hedge
CfHCouncil on Family Health
CfHComité Français d'Hydrogéologie (French: French Committee of Hydrogeology)
CfHConsortium Français de l'Habitation (French: French Consortium of Housing)
CfHCentre de Formation Hôtelière (French: Hospitality Training Center; various locations)
CfHCustomer from Hell
CfHClub Français du Hovawart (French dog club)
CfHCertified Fuel Handler
CfHChet F Harritt School (Santee, CA)
CfHConseil en Facteurs Humains (French: Council on Human Factors)
CfHChristus für Hannover (Christ for Hannover Church)
CfHContingency Forward Headquarters
CfHCampaign for Humanity, Inc.
CfHChristian Family Holiday (UK)
CfHContinu-Forms Holdings (document management company; UK)
CfHCercle Français d'Hypnose (French: French Hypnosis Circle)
CfHCommunauté des Fans de Halo (French: Fans of Halo Community; gaming)
CfHCompagnie Foncière Haussmann (French real estate company)
CfHCentre de Formations Horticoles (French: Horticultural Training Center)