Acronym | Definition |
CFI | Center for Inquiry (Amherst, NY) |
CFI | Certified Flight Instructor |
CFI | Canada Foundation for Innovation |
CFI | Court of First Instance |
CFI | Certified Fire Investigator (International Association of Arson Investigators) |
CFI | Center for Innovation (various organizations) |
CFI | Centre des Formations Industrielles (French: Industrial Training Center) |
CFI | Conservative Friends of Israel (UK) |
CFI | Canadian Foundation for Innovation |
CFI | Central Florida Investments |
CFI | Chief Flying Instructor (various locations) |
CFI | Central Florida Institute |
CFI | Corporación Financiera Internacional (Spanish) |
CFI | Campaign Finance Institute |
CFI | Carbon Farming Initiative (Australia) |
CFI | CAD Framework Initiative |
CFI | Calling Feature Indicator |
CFI | Central Fuel Injection |
CFI | Custom Factory Integration |
CFI | Cyberfusion Integration |
CFI | Common Flash Interface |
CFI | Consolidated Film Industries (Los Angeles, CA) |
CFI | Cycling Federation of India |
CFI | Comparative Fit Index |
CFI | Center for the Intrepid (US Army; Texas) |
CFI | Common Flash memory Interface |
CFI | Contract Freighters, Inc. (Joplin, Missouri) |
CFI | Centrale Financiën Instellingen (Dutch) |
CFI | Canadian Film Institute |
CFI | Carbon Financial Instrument |
CFI | Call Frame Information |
CFI | Colorado Fourteeners Initiative |
CFI | California Film Institute |
CFI | Composite Financial Index (various organizations) |
CFI | Customer Furnished Item |
CFI | Certified Fraud Investigator (various companies) |
CFI | Child and Family Institute (various locations) |
CFI | Crédit Formation Individualisé (French: Individualized Training Credit) |
CFI | Central Fuel Injection (automotive) |
CFI | Canonical Format Indicator |
CFI | Culture and Family Institute |
CFI | Cel voor Financiële Informatieverwerking (Dutch: Financial Intelligence Processing Unit; Belgium) |
CFI | Contemporary Firearms, Inc. (various locations) |
CFI | Centre Francilien de l'Innovation (French: Francilien Innovation Center) |
CFI | Certified Forensic Interviewer |
CFI | Carpet & Fabricare Institute (CA, AZ, NV, HI, Japan) |
CFI | Canadian Firearms Institute |
CFI | Customer Factory Integration (Dell Computer) |
CFI | Customer Facing Interface |
CFI | Confederation of Finnish Industries (est. 2005) |
CFI | Covered Financial Institution |
CFI | Compagnie Foncière Internationale (French: International Property Investment Company) |
CFI | Contention-Free Interleaver |
CFI | Customer Focus Initiative (various companies) |
CFI | Certified Fire Inspector |
CFI | Color Flow Imaging |
CFI | Cool Focus International (software) |
CFI | Cash Flow from Investing |
CFI | Chimie Fine et Ingénierie (French: Fine Chemistry and Engineering) |
CFI | Certified Forensic Investigator (Canada) |
CFI | Collaborative Fusion, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) |
CFI | Club Fournier International (French aviation club; est. 1987) |
CFI | Call For Improvements |
CFI | Countable Family Income (US VA) |
CFI | Credentialing Framework Initiative (various organizations) |
CFI | Charles Fort Institute |
CFI | Comprehensive Flare Index |
CFI | Cheerleading Federation of Ireland |
CFI | Create!Form International (global software provider) |
CFI | Certified Floorcovering Installers Association, Inc. |
CFI | Certified Fitness Instructor |
CFI | Card Format Identifier |
CFI | Cercle Français de l'Illusion (French: French Circle of Illusion) |
CFI | Comité Français de l'Isolation (French: French Committee of Insulation) |
CFI | Compagnie Française d'Informatique (French: French Computer Company) |
CFI | Central Fill, Inc. |
CFI | Cost, Freight & Insurance |
CFI | Centre Franco Italien (French: French Italian Center) |
CFI | California Fig Institute |
CFI | Computerized Facility Integration, LLC |
CFI | Conseil Formation Informatique (French: Computer Training Council) |
CFI | Contractor Final Inspection |
CFI | Copied For Information (also see FYI, For Your Information) |
CFI | Contractor-Furnished Information |
CFI | Clean Fuels Institute (City College of New York) |
CFI | Current-Fed Inverter |
CFI | Cryptofacility Inspection |
CFI | Critical Few Initiatives (business strategy) |
CFI | Canal France International Audiovisual and TV Company |
CFI | Central Files Index |
CFI | Contractor Furnished Item |
CFI | Computer Fault Isolation |
CFI | Certified Freight Inc |
CFI | Christliche Fachkräfte International eV |
CFI | Changing Field Initializer |
CFI | Conseils Fiscalités Investissements (French: Investment Tax Advice) |