Acronym | Definition |
BCH | Bitcoin Cash (cryptocurrency) |
BCH | Beach |
BCH | Board and Care Home |
BCH | Belt Clip Holster |
BCH | Biosafety Clearing-House (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety) |
BCH | Banco Central de Honduras |
BCH | Boulder Community Hospital (Boulder, CO, USA) |
BCH | Bearer Channel |
BCH | Batch File |
BCH | Boot Console Handler |
BCH | Broadcast Channel |
BCH | Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique (French: Bulletin of Hellenic Correspondence; now Dandrau) |
BCH | Boulder City-Henderson (Nevada) |
BCH | Belfast City Hospital |
BCH | Boston City Hospital |
BCH | Board Certified Hypnotist |
BCH | Banco Central-Hispano |
BCH | Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying) |
BCH | Boot Camp Hockey (Station, NY) |
BCH | Benign Cephalic Histiocytosis (medical disorder) |
BCH | A Very Fine (Non-Definitive) Unit of Measurement |
BCH | Boston College High School |
BCH | Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (Bachelor of Surgery) |
BCH | Banque Congolaise de l'Habitat (French: Congolese Housing Bank; Republic of the Congo) |
BCH | Best City Hotels (various locations) |
BCH | Binary Coded Hexadecimal |
BCH | Bill Cycle Handler (software) |
BCH | Blocked Calls Held |
BCH | Chorea, Hereditary Benign |
BCH | Bachelor of Chemistry |
BCH | Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Coding (data format) |
BCH | Baltimore City Hospital (now Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center) |
BCH | Boots, Combat, High (UK military) |
BCH | Block Control Header |
BCH | Benign Hereditary Chorea |
BCH | Bikers Club Hollain (Hollain, Belgium) |
BCH | Bolivar County Hospital (Cleveland, MS; now Bolivar Medical Center) |
BCH | Bluebird Charter Coach, Inc. |
BCH | British Columbia Hydropower |
BCH | Broward Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. (Florida) |
BCH | Basket Club Hulluch (basketball club; Hulluch, France) |
BCH | Beach Creek Railroad Company |
BCH | Bordeaux Chantecler Holdem (French online poker club) |
BCH | Binic City Harbour (France) |