Acronym | Definition |
CABS | Current Awareness in Biological Sciences |
CABS | Child and Babysitting Safety (course; various organizations) |
CABS | Carrier Access Billing System |
CABS | Columbus Area Boardgaming Society (Ohio) |
CABS | Center for Applied Biodiversity Science |
CABS | Center for Applied Behavior Systems (Virginia Tech) |
CABS | Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery |
CABS | Committee Against Bird Slaughter (Bonn, Germany) |
CABS | Computer-Aided Business Simulation |
CABS | Cockpit Air Bag System (helicopter safety system) |
CABS | Common Approach to Budget Support |
CABS | Centro Acadêmico Bernardo Sayão (Portugese: Unicamp's Student Organization) |
CABS | Centro Acadêmico Bernardo Sayão (Brasil) |
CABS | Centre for Air Borne Systems (India) |
CABS | Command Automated Budget System |
CABS | Consumer Action Program of Bedford-Stuyvesant |
CABS | Centralized Automatic Billing System |
CABS | Consolidated Ammunition Bulk Shipper |
CABS | Collaboration of Agent-Based Systems (DARPA software) |
CABS | lomustine, doxorubicin, bleomycin, and streptozocin (treatment of advanced-stage Hodgkin's disease) |