Acronym | Definition |
CCT | Circuit |
CCT | Communication, Culture & Technology (Georgetown University; Washington, DC) |
CCT | Clock Cycle Time (computing) |
CCT | Central Corneal Thickness (ophthalmology) |
CCT | Commission Canadienne du Tourisme (Canadian Tourism Commission) |
CCT | Certified Cardiographic Technician |
CCT | Cam Chain Tensioner |
CCT | Correlated Color Temperature |
CCT | Corridor Cities Transitway (Maryland) |
CCT | Chaos, Complexity and Transport |
CCT | Cell Culture Technique |
CCT | Clomid Challenge Test (fertility) |
CCT | Caribbean Cellular Telephone (British Virgin Islands; UK) |
CCT | Clean Coal Technology |
CCT | Concepts in Toxicology (conference topic) |
CCT | Critical Care Transport (EMS) |
CCT | Certificate of Completion of Training |
CCT | Condenser Cooling Tower (mining) |
CCT | Critical Clearing Time |
CCT | Cancel Timer |
CCT | Career Counselling for Teachers (various locations) |
CCT | Controlled Clinical Trial |
CCT | Clinical Care Team (various organizations) |
CCT | Compulsory Competitive Tendering |
CCT | Common Customs Tariff (EU) |
CCT | Consultation on Common Texts |
CCT | Call Center Technology |
CCT | Cobb Community Transit (Georgia, USA) |
CCT | Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism |
CCT | Combat Control Team |
CCT | China Coast Time (GMT+0800) |
CCT | Comparative Cervical Tuberculin (disease) |
CCT | Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics (Japan) |
CCT | Consejo Centroamericano de Turismo (Spanish: Central American Tourism Council) |
CCT | Computer Compatible Tape |
CCT | Cone Contrast Test (vision) |
CCT | Comité Consultatif Technique (French: Technical Advisory Committee) |
CCT | Colegio Cristiano Tecnólogico (Guatemalan private school) |
CCT | Central Community Transit (EU) |
CCT | Cross-Cutting Theme (forestry) |
CCT | Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (French: Command and Communications Company; French Army) |
CCT | Certified Calibration Technician (metrology) |
CCT | Computer and Communication Technologies, Inc. (Englewood, CO) |
CCT | Christian Council of Tanzania |
CCT | Computerized Cranial Tomography |
CCT | Clinical Competency Test |
CCT | Change Control Team (software development) |
CCT | Connection Type |
CCT | Cognitive Complexity Theory |
CCT | Crevice Corrosion Temperature |
CCT | Cement Council of Texas (Hurst, TX) |
CCT | Critical Clearing Time (power systems) |
CCT | Corpus Callosum Transection (neurology) |
CCT | Controlled Cord Traction (labor and delivery) |
CCT | Cortical Collecting Tubule (in the kidneys) |
CCT | Combat Crew Training |
CCT | Common/Collective Trust (IRS Form 5500) |
CCT | Customized Community Transportation |
CCT | Credit Card Transactions, Inc. (consumer finance) |
CCT | College Community Theater (various organizations) |
CCT | Custom Craft Technologies |
CCT | Cylinder Conical Tank |
CCT | Caribbean Coalition for Tourism |
CCT | Canadian College of Teachers |
CCT | Cabinetul Calin Tatomir |
CCT | Circuito Cerrado de Televisión (Spanish: Closed Circuit Television; also seen as CCTV) |
CCT | Sand Tiger Shark (FAO fish species code) |
CCT | Critical Crevice Temperature |
CCT | Cool Cool Toon (SNK game) |
CCT | Central Communications Terminal |
CCT | Consultative Committee on Telecommunications |
CCT | Capability Collaboration Teams (US Air Force) |
CCT | Core Concept Technologies, Inc. (Japan) |
CCT | Certified Composite Technician |
CCT | Cyclocryotherapy |
CCT | Commonwealth Community Trust (Richmond, VA) |
CCT | Computational Complexity Theory |
CCT | Combat Control Technician (USAF Special Operations) |
CCT | Combat Capable Trainer |
CCT | Court Circuit Team (automobile racing) |
CCT | Centre de Compétence Technique (French: Technical Competence Center) |
CCT | Clarkson College of Technology (now Clarkson University; Potsdam, NY) |
CCT | Centre Chorégraphique de Toulouse (French: Toulouse Choreography Center; Toulouse, France) |
CCT | Channel Check Test |
CCT | Constant Current Transformer |
CCT | Closed Circuit Test |
CCT | Command Control Transmitter |
CCT | Cisco Cable Troubleshooter |
CCT | Certified Chemical Technologist (Canadian Society for Chemical Technology) |
CCT | Collaborative Contingency Targeting |
CCT | Customer Contact Transformation |
CCT | Chino Community Theatre (Chino, California) |
CCT | Channel Control Thread |
CCT | Cumulative Cycle Time |
CCT | Crystal Coast Technologies, Inc. (Swansboro, NC) |
CCT | Continuity Check Tone |
CCT | Computer Controlled Typesetting |
CCT | Command & Control Technology |
CCT | Comfort Cooling Tower |
CCT | Close Combat Techniques |
CCT | Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow |
CCT | Carotid Choke Technique (wrestling hold) |
CCT | Computer Contact Teacher |
CCT | Coupler Cut Through |
CCT | Cancer Council of Tasmania |
CCT | Cost Commitment Team (NASA) |
CCT | Consolidated Change Table |
CCT | Commercial Contracting Team |
CCT | Concept Créa Team (graphic design company; France) |
CCT | Core Curriculum Test |
CCT | Carotid Control Technique (law enforcement) |
CCT | Customer Contracted Team |
CCT | Culture Change Team |
CCT | Code Carrier Tracker (GPS) |
CCT | Curved Crystal Technology |
CCT | Computed Coronal Tomography |
CCT | Cook's Continental Timetable (Thomas Cook travel) |
CCT | Carrier Connect Time |
CCT | Complete Call To |
CCT | Circuit Configuration Table |
CCT | Collaborative Communications Technology |
CCT | Circuit Connection Table |
CCT | Cylinder Combustion Time |
CCT | Customer Control Tool |
CCT | Cardiac Catheterization Technician |
CCT | Coherence Cube Technology |
CCT | Cobb County Department of Transportation Authority |
CCT | Contamination Control Team |
CCT | Complaint Control Terminal |
CCT | Communication Control Team |
CCT | Charly Cyclo Team (French cycling team) |
CCT | Calvary Chapel Tyler (Texas) |