Acronym | Definition |
CCTA | Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency |
CCTA | Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (UK) |
CCTA | Centre Contrôle Technique Automobile (French motor vehicle inspection center) |
CCTA | Canadian Cable Television Association |
CCTA | Chittenden County Transportation Authority (Vermont) |
CCTA | Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography |
CCTA | California Construction Trucking Association (est. 1941) |
CCTA | Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency (UK) |
CCTA | California Cable Television Association |
CCTA | California Cable & Telecommunications Association (formerly California Cable Television Association) |
CCTA | Certified Counter-Intelligence Threat Analyst |
CCTA | Caroline County Teachers Association (Maryland) |
CCTA | Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association |
CCTA | Central Computer and Telecommunications Authority |
CCTA | Canadian Corporate Travel Association (est. 1998) |
CCTA | Collagen Casings Trade Association |