CCTACentral Computer and Telecommunications Agency
CCTACentral Computer and Telecommunications Agency (UK)
CCTACentre Contrôle Technique Automobile (French motor vehicle inspection center)
CCTACanadian Cable Television Association
CCTAChittenden County Transportation Authority (Vermont)
CCTACoronary Computed Tomography Angiography
CCTACalifornia Construction Trucking Association (est. 1941)
CCTACentral Computing and Telecommunications Agency (UK)
CCTACalifornia Cable Television Association
CCTACalifornia Cable & Telecommunications Association (formerly California Cable Television Association)
CCTACertified Counter-Intelligence Threat Analyst
CCTACaroline County Teachers Association (Maryland)
CCTACaribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association
CCTACentral Computer and Telecommunications Authority
CCTACanadian Corporate Travel Association (est. 1998)
CCTACollagen Casings Trade Association