Acronym | Definition |
DBH | Diameter at Breast Height (forestry) |
DBH | Database Handle |
DBH | Design by Humans (t-shirts) |
DBH | Department of Building and Housing (New Zealand) |
DBH | Doctor of Behavioral Health (Arizona State University) |
DBH | Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase |
DBH | Division of Behavioral Health |
DBH | Disk Based Hashtables (computer programming) |
DBH | Death Becomes Her (movie) |
DBH | Datenbank Bremische Häfen (German logistics company) |
DBH | Dieselbedrijf Hardinxveld (Dutch supplier) |
DBH | Dessinateur Bâtiment Handicap (French: Handicap Building Designer) |
DBH | Day Berry Howard (law firm; aka Day Pitney) |
DBH | Dihydroxybenzoic Acid |
DBH | Directed by Headquarters (US Air Force) |
DBH | Death by Hanging |
DBH | Days Before Harvest/Heading |
DBH | Double-Barrier Heterostructure |
DBH | Dynamic Batch Heuristic |