BOHBournemouth (UK) Airport Identifier
BOHBank of Hawaii
BOHBoard of Health
BOHBreath of Heaven
BOHBack Of House
BOHBand of Horses (band)
BOHBattle of Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
BOHBottom of Hill (US DoD)
BOHBand of Heathens (band)
BOHBank of Hyderabad (India)
BOHBall of Hell (gaming clan)
BOHBecause of Him (est. 2009)
BOHBowels of Hell
BOHBridge Of Hope
BOHBadge of Honor
BOHBalance on Hand
BOHBachelor of Oral Health (Australia and New Zealand)
BOHBag of Holding
BOHBalance on Hands
BOHBoard of Housing (Montana Dept of Commerce)
BOHBoots of Haste (Tibia game)
BOHBar Over Hat (North Dakota)
BOHBest of Highlands (Best of Highlands)
BOHBlock of Hours (support)
BOHBarons of Hell (gaming clan)
BOHBat Outta Hell
BOHBeginning On Hand (inventory)
BOHBreak-Off Height
BOHBaseline Overhaul
BOHBad on Hand
BOHBefore Office Hours
BOHB-hydroxyethyl hydrazine (forced fruiting of pineapples)
BOHBros Over Hoes
BOHBad Obstetrics History
BOHBay Osteopathic Hospital (Bay City, Michigan)