Acronym | Definition |
CIC | Combat Information Center |
CIC | Committee on Institutional Cooperation |
CIC | Citizenship and Immigration Canada |
CIC | Community Interest Company (UK Department of Trade and Industry) |
CIC | Chico (Amtrak station code; Chico, CA) |
CIC | Certified Insurance Counselor |
CIC | Council of Independent Colleges (Washington, DC, USA) |
CIC | Central Information Commission (India) |
CIC | Convention Industry Council |
CIC | Customer Interaction Center |
CIC | Centre d'Investigation Clinique (French: Clinical Investigation Center) |
CIC | Completely in the Canal (hearing aid) |
CIC | Construction Industry Council (UK and US) |
CIC | Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (French: Citizenship and Immigration Canada) |
CIC | Commander in Chief |
CIC | Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (Spanish: Catechism of the Catholic Church) |
CIC | China Investment Corporation (wealth fund) |
CIC | Center for International Cooperation (various locations) |
CIC | Case in Chief |
CIC | Cable in the Classroom (cable industry education foundation) |
CIC | Cambridge Innovation Center (Massachusetts) |
CIC | Carrier Identification Code |
CIC | Chemical Institute of Canada |
CIC | Collision Industry Conference |
CIC | Central Insurance Companies (est. 1876) |
CIC | Common Interest Community (various locations) |
CIC | Circuit Identification Code |
CIC | Canadian Islamic Congress (religious group) |
CIC | Cincinnati Insurance Company (Ohio) |
CIC | Cisco Info Center |
CIC | Code of Canon Law (Latin: Codex Iuris Canonici) |
CIC | Collaborative Innovation Center (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA) |
CIC | Chamber of Industry and Commerce (various locations) |
CIC | Catholic Information Center |
CIC | Community Information Centre |
CIC | Credit Information Company (various companies) |
CIC | Change-In-Control |
CIC | Citizens Information Centre (Ireland) |
CIC | Cinema International Corporation (film distribution; various locations) |
CIC | Captive Insurance Company |
CIC | Customer Interface Card |
CIC | Cell Invisibility Cache |
CIC | Computer Interface Card |
CIC | Cisco Information Center |
CIC | Continuous Information Capture |
CIC | Computationally Intensive Computing |
CIC | Cable in Conduit |
CIC | Clinical Investigation Center (Minnesota) |
CIC | Culinary Institute of Charleston (Charleston, SC) |
CIC | Crédit Industriel et Commercial (French bank group) |
CIC | Capital Investment Committee (various locations) |
CIC | Clean Intermittent Catheterization |
CIC | Consumer Information Center |
CIC | California Insurance Company |
CIC | Coordination and Information Center |
CIC | Commission on Interracial Cooperation (est. 1919) |
CIC | Canada-Israel Committee |
CIC | Cambridge International Centre (various locations) |
CIC | Chartered Investment Counselor |
CIC | Commission on Integration and Cohesion (UK) |
CIC | Christians in Commerce (various locations) |
CIC | Centro de Investigación en Computación (International Conference on Computing) |
CIC | Council of Islamic Courts |
CIC | Carcinogen Identification Committee (California) |
CIC | Chronic Idiopathic Constipation |
CIC | Critical Illness Cover (insurance) |
CIC | Ciclesonide |
CIC | Concepts in Concrete (Houston, TX) |
CIC | Counterintelligence Center (US DoD) |
CIC | Canadian International College (New Cairo, Egypt) |
CIC | Community Investment Corporation |
CIC | Central Iowa Chapter (various organizations) |
CIC | Controller-In-Charge |
CIC | Certified in Infection Control (nursing) |
CIC | Certified Irrigation Contractor |
CIC | Chesapeake Innovation Center (Maryland) |
CIC | Ceylon Indian Congress (Sri Lanka; est 1939; now Ceylon Workers' Congress) |
CIC | Community Insurance Company (Ohio) |
CIC | Counterintelligence Corps |
CIC | Chemical Industry Council |
CIC | Choices in Childbirth (New York, NY) |
CIC | Command Information Center |
CIC | Canadian Immigration and Citizenship |
CIC | Canadian Innovation Centre |
CIC | Combat Intelligence Center (Marine Corps; US DoD) |
CIC | International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation |
CIC | Community Investment Committee (United Way) |
CIC | Communications Interface Controller (US DoD) |
CIC | Combined Intelligence Committee (US and UK) |
CIC | Chaudronnerie Industrielle du Centre (French: Industrial Boilermaking Center) |
CIC | Computer-Integrated Construction |
CIC | Circulating Immune Complex |
CIC | Cochlear Implant Center (various locations) |
CIC | Cadet Instructor Cadre (now Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service) |
CIC | Conflict of Interest Committee (various organizations) |
CIC | Current Issues Committee (various organizations) |
CIC | Charles in Charge (TV show) |
CIC | Centro Internazionale Crocevia |
CIC | Criminal Investigation Command |
CIC | Cellule Interministérielle de Crise (French: Interministerial Crisis Committee) |
CIC | Certified Insurance Consultant |
CIC | Cleveland Indians Charities (est. 1989; Cleveland, OH) |
CIC | Creative Incentive Coalition |
CIC | Catawba Island Club (Ohio) |
CIC | California Innovation Corridor |
CIC | Cause It's Cool |
CIC | Copper-Invar-Copper |
CIC | Campus Information Centers (University of Michigan) |
CIC | Customer Identification Code |
CIC | Coupon Information Center |
CIC | Coast Is Clear |
CIC | Community Intervention Center |
CIC | Collegiate Inventors Competition |
CIC | Chauffage Individuel Centralisé (French: Centralized Individual Heating) |
CIC | Centre International de Conférences (French: International Conference Center) |
CIC | Credit Institute of Canada |
CIC | Coalition Information Center |
CIC | Committee on Information and Communications |
CIC | Corporate Information Center |
CIC | Chemically Imbalanced Comedy (Chicago, IL) |
CIC | Creation Is Crucifixion |
CIC | Climatic Impacts Centre |
CIC | Combined Intelligence Center |
CIC | Crew Interface Coordinator (NASA) |
CIC | Colloid and Interface Chemistry (Denmark) |
CIC | Centro Internacional de Convenciones (Spanish: International Conventions Center; Medellín, Colombia) |
CIC | Cadet in Charge |
CIC | Catalina Island Conservancy |
CIC | Church Insurance Company |
CIC | Country Identification Code |
CIC | Cuban Council of Churches |
CIC | Consultants and Independent Contractors |
CIC | Clinical Information Consultancy (part of the National Health Service, England) |
CIC | Community Informatics Corps (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
CIC | Computing Information Center |
CIC | Centro Insular de Cultura |
CIC | Canadian Insurance Course (Canadian Securities Institute) |
CIC | Cycle International Court (French: International Court Cycle) |
CIC | Canada Immigration Center |
CIC | Catalog Item Code |
CIC | Christ I'm Confused |
CIC | Content Indicator Code |
CIC | Coordinated Industry Cases (US IRS) |
CIC | Connecticut Invention Convention |
CIC | Community Improvement Council |
CIC | Combined Injectable Contraceptive |
CIC | Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (Portugal) |
CIC | Cult Information Center |
CIC | Concours International Combiné (French equestrian event) |
CIC | Chico, CA, USA - Chico Municipal Air Terminal (Airport Code) |
CIC | Computing, Information and Communications Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory) |
CIC | Close in Combat |
CIC | Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway Company |
CIC | Centre for Intelligent Control |
CIC | Catalogue Item Confirmation |
CIC | Cisco Integrated Client (VPN client-softwares' built-in firewall) |
CIC | Competition Index Control (National Hot Rod Association Competition Eliminator Class) |
CIC | Capital Investment Council |
CIC | Circuit Identifier Code |
CIC | Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator (Virginia) |
CIC | Clean Islands Council (Oil Spill Response, Hawaii) |
CIC | Communications Interface Coordinator (NASA) |
CIC | Core Instructor Course |
CIC | Cascaded Integrator and Comb (decimator-interpolator) |
CIC | College of Immaculate Conception (Port of Spain, Trinidad) |
CIC | Continuous Improvement Coordinator |
CIC | Contraceptifs Injectables Combinés (French: Combined Injectable Contraceptives) |
CIC | Call Instance Code |
CIC | Children in Crisis, Inc. |
CIC | Citizens' Investigative Commission (private action group) |
CIC | Controlled Item Code |
CIC | Clerk in Charge |
CIC | Computer Interface & Control |
CIC | Chemistry Information Centre (Berlin, Germany) |
CIC | Combat Integration Capability |
CIC | Commercial Industry Caucus |
CIC | Chair-Control Indicate Capability |
CIC | Command Integration Center |
CIC | Cardioinhibitory Center |
CIC | Compensated Ion Chamber |
CIC | Clinton Investigative Commission (political action site/group) |
CIC | Command Interface Control |
CIC | Continuing Improvement Council |
CIC | Crisis Information Center (UN) |
CIC | Centre d'Information de la Couleur (French: Color Information Center; est. 1952) |
CIC | Combat In Cities |
CIC | Curriculum Integration Coordinator |
CIC | Control and Information Center (NASA) |
CIC | Center for Interethnic Cooperation (Russia) |
CIC | Chinese Institute of Communication |
CIC | Committed Interaction Contract |
CIC | Current Injection Control |
CIC | Computational Intelligence Centre |
CIC | Critical Intelligence Category |
CIC | Central Integrated Checkout |
CIC | Credit InfoCenter |
CIC | Computer Interface Control Unit |
CIC | CEBus Industry Consortium |
CIC | Customer Initiated Call |
CIC | Cassava Information Centre (Colombia) |
CIC | Committee to Impeach Clinton (political action site/group) |
CIC | Contractor Initiated Change (construction) |
CIC | Concrete on Rolled I-Beam Continuous (civil engineering) |
CIC | Compliance and Insurance Corporation (Philippines) |
CIC | Code Is Cool (programming slang) |
CIC | Call Inquiry Command |
CIC | Communications Interface Control |
CIC | Centro de Inteligencia Católica (Guatemala religious group) |
CIC | Computer Interface Cabinet |
CIC | Computers, Information and Communications |
CIC | Combat Integration Cell |
CIC | Classroom Instructor Course |
CIC | Contractor Information Center |
CIC | Collective Investments Center |
CIC | Centrul de Informare a Cetateanului (Romania) |
CIC | Customer Information Call |
CIC | Crane Institute Certification (crane operator certification) |
CIC | Converter Interface Controller (AN/FSC-78B SATCOM terminal) |
CIC | Controlled Item Category |
CIC | Communications Interface Cabinet (light rail, Dallas, Texas) |
CIC | Cloudiness Intercomparison Campaign (US NOAA) |
CIC | Container Identification Code |
CIC | Cockpit Interface Computer |
CIC | Claim Imaging Center (insurance) |
CIC | Crowell's Intensity Camp |
CIC | Creative Industries Commission |
CIC | Cathay Israel Chemistry |
CIC | Coordinating Instructional Council |