CBCSChoice Based Credit System (various universities)
CBCSCyberlink Background Capture Service
CBCSCrested Butte Community School (Crested Butte, CO)
CBCSCombat Communications Squadron
CBCSCertified Billing and Coding Specialist (National Healthcare Association)
CBCSCommercial Banking Company of Sydney (Australia)
CBCSComputer Based Conversation System
CBCSCountry Boy Can Survive
CBCSCruse Bereavement Care Scotland (UK)
CBCSCouncil Bluffs Community School District (Iowa)
CBCSChristian Bible College and Seminary
CBCSCommon Baseline Circuit Switch
CBCSChinese Bible Church of Springfield (Illinois)
CBCSCapability-based Command Security (credential-based access control system)
CBCSChevaliers Beneficient de La Cité-Sainté (French: Beneficient Knights of the Holy City)
CBCSComputer-Based Counseling System