CBDCommerce Business Daily
CBDConvention on Biological Diversity
CBDCentral Business District
CBDConvention on Biodiversity
CBDCaribbean Development Bank (est. 1969)
CBDComponent Based Development
CBDChemical Bath Deposition
CBDCentre for Biodiversity and Development (Vietnam)
CBDCenter for Biological Diversity
CBDCorticobasal Degeneration (neuropathology)
CBDChronic Beryllium Disease
CBDChristian Book Distributors
CBDCommon Bile Duct
CBDCommunity Based Development (various organizations)
CBDCorporate Business Development (various organizations)
CBDColor Bright Display
CBDCommunities by Design
CBDChemical & Biological Defense
CBDCrazy Blind Date (no-cost dating service; various locations)
CBDCyclobutadiene (chemistry)
CBDCustomer Business Development
CBDCall before Delivery
CBDComponent Based Design
CBDCentraal Bureau Drogisterijbedrijven (Dutch: Central Bureau of Drug Companies)
CBDChitin Binding Domain
CBDConservative Business Dress
CBDCertified Bath Designer
CBDCenter for Biological Defense (University of South Florida)
CBDCannot Be Denied
CBDCorticobasal Ganglionic Degeneration (neurology)
CBDCash Before Delivery
CBDCivilian-Based Defense
CBDColusa Basin Drain (California)
CBDChristian Business Directory
CBDCenter for Biodynamics (Boston University)
CBDClosed Bladder Drainage
CBDCell Binding Domain
CBDCoalition against Bayer Dangers (Germany)
CBDCentre de Biologie du Développement (French: Center for Developmental Biology; Toulouse, France)
CBDComité Bouliste Départemental (French: Bowler Departmental Committee; sports organization)
CBDCombat Developer
CBDCentrale Bibliotheek-Dienst
CBDCommon Data Base
CBDColorblindness, Partial, Deutan Series
CBDConstruction Battalion Detachment
CBDCost Break Down
CBDCompacted Bulk Density
CBDCannabidiole (psychoactive compound in Cannabis)
CBDCable Block Diagram
CBDCrossed-Beam Display (3-D technology)
CBDCentral Bile Duct
CBDComputer Based Depository
CBDComputer-Based Demonstration
CBDChristian Bjorn Design (Denmark)
CBDCaught By Dog
CBDCircuit Board Drill
CBDClotrimazole/Betamethasone Dipropionate (topical cream)
CBDCondemned Below Depot
CBDCOTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) Based Development (software)
CBDConfigured Baseline Document
CBDCertified Birth Doula (childbirth)
CBDClinically Brain Dead