Acronym | Definition |
CBFA | Commissie Voor Het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (Belgium's Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission) |
CBFA | Community Based First Aid |
CBFA | Christian Business Faculty Association |
CBFA | Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration (World Trade Organization) |
CBFA | Core-Binding Factor Alpha |
CBFA | Children and Broadcasting Foundation for Africa |
CBFA | Chesapeake Bay Flag Association (Columbia, MD) |
CBFA | Calgary Bantam Football Association (Canada) |
CBFA | Core-Binding Factor, Runt Domain |
CBFA | Commission Bancaire et Financière et des Assurances (French: Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission; Belgium) |
CBFA | Corp Brand Foods of America |
CBFA | Canadian Business Forms Association (now Business Documents and Systems Association) |
CBFA | Can't Be Freakin Arsed (polite form) |
CBFA | Certified Bank Forensic Accounting (India) |