CBHCorned Beef Hash (food)
CBHCity of Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, CA)
CBHCheltenham Borough Homes (UK)
CBHCatalyst Bed Heater
CBHCellobiohydrolase (enzyme)
CBHComprehensive Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. (Lyndhurst, NJ)
CBHCommunity Based Housing (various organizations)
CBHCommunity Behavioral Healthcare (various locations)
CBHColumbia/Barnard Hillel (New York)
CBHCircumference at Breast Height (forestry)
CBHComic Book Heroes (band)
CBHCentral Baptist Hospital
CBHCompagnie Bancaire Helvétique (French: Swiss Banking Company; Switzerland)
CBHClyde Babcock-Hitachi (Australia)
CBHCommunity Breast Health (Susan G. Komen)
CBHCollimated Beam Handpiece (lasers)
CBHCentre Bourguignon de l'Habitat (French: Burgundy Housing Center)
CBHCenter for Bioethics and Humanities
CBHChild Bearing Hips
CBHConstruction Bois Habitat (French: Wood Habitat Construction; Saint-Omer, France)
CBHCongregation Beth Hatikvah (Jewish synagogue; various locations)
CBHConstructions Bouhier Hubert (French construction company)
CBHCan't Be Heard
CBHChicken Blood Hemolysates
CBHConcept Bois Habitat (French: Concept Wood Housing)
CBHCentre Breton de l'Habitat (French: Breton Housing Center; Étrelles, France)
CBHCole Bulk Handling
CBHCabinet Blanchedan et Hilaire (French consulting firm)
CBHClub Badminton Houppeville (Houppeville, France)
CBHChicago Board of Health
CBHClub de Badminton Heillecourt (Heillecourt, France)
CBHConstruction Bâtiment Habitation (French: Residential Building Construction; various locations)
CBHCoordination Bâtiment & Habitat (French: Housing Construction and Coordination; Brest, France)