Acronym | Definition |
BFD | Big Freakin' Deal (polite form) |
BFD | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (IP networking) |
BFD | Bakersfield (Amtrak station code; Bakersfield, CA) |
BFD | Binary File Descriptor (computer programming) |
BFD | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection |
BFD | Bootable Floppy Disk |
BFD | Blank Formatted Disk |
BFD | Build Floppy Disk |
BFD | Binary File Descriptor |
BFD | Brake Force Display |
BFD | Boston Fire Department |
BFD | Blood Fire Death (record label) |
BFD | Bees for Development (est. 1993; UK) |
BFD | Brute Force Detection (computer network security) |
BFD | Black Friday Deal (sales) |
BFD | Barne- og Familiedepartementet (Norwegian: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs) |
BFD | Conker's Bad Fur Day (video game) |
BFD | Bloomington Fire Department (Indiana) |
BFD | Back from the Dead |
BFD | Black Flag Disqualification (sailing) |
BFD | Big Fantastic Deal (Dominoes Pizza) |
BFD | Blackfathom Deeps (World of Warcraft instance) |
BFD | Burnaby Fire Department |
BFD | Buffalo Fire Department |
BFD | Block Flow Diagram (engineering) |
BFD | Big Family Dinner |
BFD | Bradford West Yorkshire (UK) |
BFD | Big Freakin' Deal (concert) |
BFD | Beer For Dolphins (band) |
BFD | Behindertenfahrdienst (German: Transport of Disabled) |
BFD | Berkeley Fire Department |
BFD | Benelux Film Distributors (est. 2006) |
BFD | Back Focal Distance |
BFD | Budgerigar Fledgling Disease |
BFD | Behringer Feedback Destroyer (home theater) |
BFD | Bavarian Fire Drill |
BFD | Brew Free or Die (homebrew club; New Hampshire) |
BFD | Bellingham Fire Department |
BFD | Bassett Furniture Direct, Inc. (Virginia) |
BFD | Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Droit (French: University Law Library; Switzerland) |
BFD | Baltimore Fire Department |
BFD | Breakfast for Dinner |
BFD | Bartech Focus Device (remote focus control system for motion picture and TV applications) |
BFD | Brake Force Display (BMW) |
BFD | Bradford, PA, USA - Bradford Regional (Airport Code) |
BFD | Base Flood Depth |
BFD | Big Fat Daddy |
BFD | Baked Fresh Daily (band) |
BFD | Big Film Design (New York, NY) |
BFD | Basis for Design |
BFD | Bred for Disaster (video group) |
BFD | Best Food Day |
BFD | Bowling for Dollars (1970s-era TV game show) |
BFD | Boiler Feed Pump |
BFD | Binghamton Fire Department |
BFD | Big Freakin' Day (concert sponsored by Live 105) |
BFD | Big Furry Deal |
BFD | Basic File Directory |
BFD | Bridge Forward Delay |
BFD | Bainbridge Fire Department (Bainbridge, NY) |
BFD | Bureau of Food and Drug (Philippines) |
BFD | Big Floppy Disk (band) |
BFD | Book Form Drawing |
BFD | Band from Detroit (band) |
BFD | Burger Fries Drink (fast-food) |
BFD | Battery Firing Device |
BFD | Bruce F. Dyer (BFD Productions, Inc. |
BFD | Big Freakin' Dog (polite form, as used on police radio) |
BFD | Berufförderungsdienst (German) |
BFD | Baseline Freeflight Display |
BFD | Balanced Frequency Doubler |
BFD | Buckskin Fire Department (Parker, AZ, USA) |
BFD | Business Function Decomposition |
BFD | Budget Formulation Directive |
BFD | Buglisi-Foreman Dance (New York, NY) |
BFD | Bit-Flipping Decoding |
BFD | Buyer Furnished Data |
BFD | Brockport Fire Department (Monroe County, NY) |
BFD | Better Follow Directions |
BFD | Big Freakin' Drums |
BFD | Best Friend's Date (TV) |
BFD | Big Fat Disclaimer |
BFD | Brasstown Fire Department (Brasstown, NC) |
BFD | Bona Fide Determination |