Acronym | Definition |
BFE | Bum Freak Egypt (polite form) |
BFE | Base Flood Elevation |
BFE | Bundesamt für Energie (Switzerland) |
BFE | Base Filtering Engine |
BFE | Bacterial Filtration Efficiency |
BFE | Best Friend Ever |
BFE | Bridgestone/Firestone Europe (tires) |
BFE | Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung (German: Federal Research Centre for Nutrition) |
BFE | Biofeedback Foundation of Europe |
BFE | Buyer Furnished Equipment |
BFE | Terry County Airport (airport code; Brownfield, TX) |
BFE | Brooklyn Funk Essentials (band) |
BFE | Battle for Europe (World War II game tournament) |
BFE | Bureau Français de l'Epilepsie |
BFE | British Forum for Ethnomusicology (UK) |
BFE | Boyfriend Experience |
BFE | Brussels Fairs & Exhibitions (Belgium) |
BFE | Blown Film Extrusion |
BFE | Brothers for Ever (gaming clan) |
BFE | BLACKER Front End |
BFE | Blue Flint Ethanol (Underwood, ND) |
BFE | Boy Friend Experience |
BFE | Boundary Free Enterprise |
BFE | Browser Front-End |
BFE | Battle for Endor (Star Wars) |
BFE | Blowfish File Encryption (file extension) |
BFE | Beam Forming Electrode |
BFE | Built for Excellence |
BFE | Broker Front-End (finance) |
BFE | Bold Freehand Extrapolation (forecasting) |
BFE | Bachelor of Forest Engineering |
BFE | Board for Fundamental Education |
BFE | Basic Fault Event |
BFE | Big Freaking Emergency (polite form) |
BFE | Best Fit Ephemeris |
BFE | Big Freaking Empty (polite form) |
BFE | Blood-Flow Effects |
BFE | Bureau for the Far East |
BFE | Black Forest Engineering, LLC (Colorado Springs, CO) |
BFE | Big Freaking Explosion |
BFE | Booze, Food and Entertainment |
BFE | Bureau de la Formation en Entreprise (French: Office of Corporate Training) |
BFE | Boursier Français à l'Etranger (French: French Scholar Abroad) |
BFE | Beyond Freaking Egypt (polite form; very far away) |
BFE | Bilan Formation-Emploi (French: Job Training Record) |
BFE | Base Filter Engine |