BFEBum Freak Egypt (polite form)
BFEBase Flood Elevation
BFEBundesamt für Energie (Switzerland)
BFEBase Filtering Engine
BFEBacterial Filtration Efficiency
BFEBest Friend Ever
BFEBridgestone/Firestone Europe (tires)
BFEBundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung (German: Federal Research Centre for Nutrition)
BFEBiofeedback Foundation of Europe
BFEBuyer Furnished Equipment
BFETerry County Airport (airport code; Brownfield, TX)
BFEBrooklyn Funk Essentials (band)
BFEBattle for Europe (World War II game tournament)
BFEBureau Français de l'Epilepsie
BFEBritish Forum for Ethnomusicology (UK)
BFEBoyfriend Experience
BFEBrussels Fairs & Exhibitions (Belgium)
BFEBlown Film Extrusion
BFEBrothers for Ever (gaming clan)
BFEBlue Flint Ethanol (Underwood, ND)
BFEBoy Friend Experience
BFEBoundary Free Enterprise
BFEBrowser Front-End
BFEBattle for Endor (Star Wars)
BFEBlowfish File Encryption (file extension)
BFEBeam Forming Electrode
BFEBuilt for Excellence
BFEBroker Front-End (finance)
BFEBold Freehand Extrapolation (forecasting)
BFEBachelor of Forest Engineering
BFEBoard for Fundamental Education
BFEBasic Fault Event
BFEBig Freaking Emergency (polite form)
BFEBest Fit Ephemeris
BFEBig Freaking Empty (polite form)
BFEBlood-Flow Effects
BFEBureau for the Far East
BFEBlack Forest Engineering, LLC (Colorado Springs, CO)
BFEBig Freaking Explosion
BFEBooze, Food and Entertainment
BFEBureau de la Formation en Entreprise (French: Office of Corporate Training)
BFEBoursier Français à l'Etranger (French: French Scholar Abroad)
BFEBeyond Freaking Egypt (polite form; very far away)
BFEBilan Formation-Emploi (French: Job Training Record)
BFEBase Filter Engine