Acronym | Definition |
BFL | Bass Fishing League (sponsored By Wal-Mart) |
BFL | Butterfly Labs (Leawood, KS) |
BFL | Bat for Lashes (musician) |
BFL | Body for Life |
BFL | Baltijos Fotografijos Linija (Lithuanian: Baltic Line Photography) |
BFL | Bios Feature List |
BFL | Buffer Warning Level |
BFL | Bay Ferries Limited (Canada) |
BFL | Bag for Life (environment) |
BFL | Bharat Forge Ltd. (Pune, India) |
BFL | Big Fat Liar |
BFL | Breakfast for Learning (Canada) |
BFL | Back Focal Length |
BFL | Birds in Forested Landscapes (Cornell University program) |
BFL | Brothers for Life |
BFL | Bakersfield, CA, USA - Meadows Field (Airport Code) |
BFL | Business/Foreign Language (various organizations) |
BFL | Barbados Farms Ltd. |
BFL | Big Fat Lotto (lottery) |
BFL | Brain Functions Laboratory (Japan) |
BFL | Brigade Française Libre (French: Free French Brigade) |
BFL | Banned for Life |
BFL | Break For Lunch |
BFL | Bomb Fall Line |
BFL | Buffered Field-Effect-Transistor Logic |
BFL | Board Failure Light |
BFL | Black Flag Labs (brand; UK) |
BFL | Bursa Fen Lisesi (Turkey science school) |
BFL | Breast Firm and Lactating |
BFL | Bakery Future Lines (Italy) |
BFL | Best Friend for Life |
BFL | Beamforming Lens |
BFL | Brian Farrington Ltd (UK) |
BFL | Betwin Foodball League (France) |
BFL | Bibliothèque Freudienne de Limoges (French psychology association; Limoges, France) |
BFL | Bundesamt für Landestopografie (Swiss Federal Office of Topography) |