Acronym | Definition |
BSAC | British Sub-Aqua Club |
BSAC | British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy |
BSAC | British South Africa Company (founded by Cecil John Rhodes for the colonisation of Northern and Southern Rhodesia) |
BSAC | Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center |
BSAC | Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (various schools) |
BSAC | Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding (audio coding algorithm) |
BSAC | Bellingham Senior Activity Center (Bellingham, WA) |
BSAC | Boy Scouts of America Camp |
BSAC | Biotechnology Science Advisory Committee (EPA) |
BSAC | Bass Strait Aquatic Club (Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia) |
BSAC | Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) |
BSAC | Benedictine Study and Arts Centre (London, UK) |
BSAC | Black Swamp Area Council (Boy Scouts of America; Ohio) |
BSAC | Biotechnology Science Advisory Council |
BSAC | Binary Symmetric Averaged Channel |