Acronym | Definition |
BSB | Backstreet Boys |
BSB | British Superbikes (motorcycle racing series) |
BSB | Bangor Savings Bank (Maine) |
BSB | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek |
BSB | Bandar Seri Begawan (capital of Brunei) |
BSB | Brigade Support Battalion |
BSB | Bar Standards Board (law; UK) |
BSB | Bold Strokes Books (Valley Falls, NY) |
BSB | Blockade State Block |
BSB | British Satellite Broadcasting |
BSB | Bachelor of Science in Business |
BSB | Base Support Battalion |
BSB | Bioinformatics and Systems Biology |
BSB | Bachelor of Science in Biology (various universities) |
BSB | British Satellite Broadcasting (early British satellite television taken over by BSkyB) |
BSB | Base System Builder (software) |
BSB | Botswana Savings Bank |
BSB | Best Sellers Books (publishing) |
BSB | Brevet de Surveillant de Baignade (French: Lifeguard Certification) |
BSB | Bundesverband Sekretariat und Büromanagement e.V. |
BSB | British School of Brussels (Belgium) |
BSB | Better Seafood Board (industry group) |
BSB | Back Side Bus |
BSB | British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC |
BSB | Black Spring Break |
BSB | Behavioral Surveillance Branch (US CDC) |
BSB | Blue Sky Broadcast (various locations) |
BSB | British School of Beijing |
BSB | Borrego Springs Bank (La Mesa, CA) |
BSB | Buckeye State Blog (political blog) |
BSB | Bead Stop Bead |
BSB | Black Seabass (FAO fish species code) |
BSB | Battle Standard Bearer (gaming) |
BSB | Bibliothèque Sainte-Barbe (French library) |
BSB | Batastini School of Basketball (Rhode Island) |
BSB | Boss Speed Bearings |
BSB | Behavior Science Building (Slippery Rock University) |
BSB | Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil - International (Airport Code) |
BSB | Bank, State & Branch Code (Australia) |
BSB | Bedside Bag (medical) |
BSB | Better Stronger Better (online gaming clan) |
BSB | Block Street & Building (blog) |
BSB | Brisbane Symphonic Band (Brisbane, Australia) |
BSB | Belgesel Sinemacilar Birligi (Association of Documentary Filmmakers, Turkey) |
BSB | Baltimore Symphonic Band (Baltimore, MD) |
BSB | Brazilian Sac Brood (Disease) |
BSB | Breed Specific Ban (dogs) |
BSB | British Standard Beam |
BSB | Bit Synchronous Bay |
BSB | Bandar Sungai Buaya SDN BHD (subsidiary of L&G, Malaysia) |
BSB | Building Something Big (Chartered Institute of Building campaign; UK) |