Acronym | Definition |
DBM | Database Management |
DBM | Department of Budget and Management |
DBM | Demineralized Bone Matrix (grafts) |
DBM | Decibel (referenced to milliwatts) |
DBM | Dibenzoylmethane (chemical compound) |
DBM | Demineralized Bone Matrix |
DBM | Data Base Machine |
DBM | Dynamic Buffer Management |
DBM | Dual Bit Map |
DBM | Data Burse Message |
DBM | Dialog Box Manager |
DBM | Data Base Mass Memory |
DBM | Digital Brand Manager |
DBM | Data Base Module |
DBM | Distributed Bandwidth Manager |
DBM | Data Buffer Memory |
DBM | Database Marketing |
DBM | Double Balanced Mixer |
DBM | Drake Beam Morin (human resource services) |
DBM | Deadly Boss Mods (World of Warcraft addon) |
DBM | Database Mirroring (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) |
DBM | Data Base Manager |
DBM | De Bellis Multitudinis (Latin: large scale battle) |
DBM | Diploma in Business Management (tertiary education) |
DBM | Déchets Biomédicaux (Biomedical Waste) |
DBM | Database Machine |
DBM | Don't Bother Me |
DBM | Décision Budgétaire Modificative (French: Revised Budget Decision; various organizations) |
DBM | Design Basis Memorandum |
DBM | Dealer Business Management (automotive) |
DBM | Doctor of Business Administration |
DBM | Drive by Media |
DBM | Delta Blues Museum |
DBM | Divine Breakthrough Ministries, Inc. (Tallahasee, FL) |
DBM | Division of Biology and Medicine |
DBM | De Bury Motoservice (motorcycle garage; France) |
DBM | Dual Bitmap |
DBM | Dynamic Buffer Management (Cisco) |
DBM | Developmental Behavioural Modelling |
DBM | Divorced Black Male |
DBM | Deep Breathing Meditation (clinical study) |
DBM | Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd |
DBM | Diploma in Botanic Medicine |
DBM | Dean Berg Ministries (Broken Arrow, OK) |
DBM | Dial Backup Module |
DBM | Dense Bituminous Macadam (transportation engineering) |
DBM | Depressive Black Metal (music genre) |
DBM | Domestic Bulk Mail (various locations) |
DBM | Dynamic Battle Management |
DBM | Disrupted in B-Cell Malignancy |
DBM | Difference Bounds Matrix |
DBM | Display Based Marketing (ASDI) |
DBM | Distributed Buffer Manager (Juniper Networks, Inc. routers) |
DBM | Distributed Battle Management |
DBM | Deutscher Berufsverband der MotopädInnen Mototherapeut/Innen (German Professional Organization of Mototherapists) |
DBM | Distributed Behavioral Model |