CELContrat Éducatif Local (French: Local Educational Contract)
CELCheck Engine Light
CELCompte Épargne Logement (French: Housing Savings Account)
CELCenter for Entrepreneurial Leadership
CELCutting Edge Labs (fitness)
CELChrist Evangelical Lutheran
CELCertificate in English Language (various locations)
CELCenter for English Language (various locations)
CELDegrees Celsius (temperature)
CELContrast Enhancement Layer
CELCimfast Event Language
CELCard Enable Low Byte
CELComparison and Evaluation Laboratory
CELCutting Edge Length (thickness measurement)
CELCommunity Engaged Learning (various universities)
CELComisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (El Salvador)
CELCertificate of English Law
CELCommission on Environmental Law (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
CELCours en Ligne (French: Online Courses; education)
CELCampaign for Environmental Literacy (Manchester, MA)
CELCentre d'Étude de Langues (French: Center for the Study of Languages)
CELCentre d'Essais des Landes (French: Landes test center)
CELCenter for Ecoliteracy
CELConseil Européen pour les Langues (French: European Language Council)
CELCivil Engineering Laboratory
CELChemical Engineering Laboratory
CELCentral-Eurasia-L (mailing list; Harvard University; Cambridge, MA)
CELCenter for Enriched Living (Riverwoods, IL)
CELCorrelated Emission Laser
CELChauffage par les Énergies Locales (French renewable energy company)
CELCenter for Effective Leadership
CELCustomer Engagement Lifecycle
CELCommunications Engineering Laboratory
CELComputer Economics Limited
CELContrast-Enhancing Layer (lithography)
CELCost Effective Location
CELCombined Events List
CELChannel Effluent Limit
CELCarbon Equilibrium Loop
CELCutaneous Epitheliotropic Lymphoma
CELCivilian Employment Level
CELCommon Equipment List
CELClosed End Liftable (tubing)