Acronym | Definition |
BJ | Blow Job |
BJ | Blackjack |
BJ | Beijing (China) |
BJ | Bubble-Jet (Canon) |
BJ | Bon Jovi (band) |
BJ | Beijo (Portuguese: Kiss) |
BJ | Boca Juniors (soccer; Argentina) |
BJ | Billy Joel (singer) |
BJ | Blue Jays (baseball team) |
BJ | Billie Jean (Michal Jackson song) |
BJ | Blue Jeans |
BJ | Baujahr (German: year of construction) |
BJ | Bonjour (French: hello) |
BJ | Ball Joint (mechanical) |
BJ | Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) |
BJ | Ben and Jerry's |
BJ | Baby Jane |
BJ | Brian Jones (Rolling Stones member) |
BJ | Broadcast Jockey (South Korea) |
BJ | Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland) |
BJ | Bad Job |
BJ | Big Job |
BJ | Biochemical Journal |
BJ | Bobby Jackson (basketball player) |
BJ | Blonde Joke |
BJ | Broad Jump |
BJ | Bob Jones University |
BJ | Business Justification |
BJ | Before Jesus |
BJ | Back Judge (football) |
BJ | Bachelor of Journalism |
BJ | Brand Jordan |
BJ | Beverly Jean (from BJ's Wholesale Club; retailer named for founder's daughter) |
BJ | Beth Jacob (Synagogue) |
BJ | Brian Jacques (author) |
BJ | B'nai Jeshurun (New York) |
BJ | Byron Jackson (Byron Jackson Company) |
BJ | Bill Joy (designer of Berkeley UNIX BSD, Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems) |
BJ | Blueberry Juice |
BJ | Bierjunge (German: Beer Boy) |
BJ | Bulkhead Jack |
BJ | Breakfast Jack (Jack in the Box Sandwich) |
BJ | Bunjee Jump |
BJ | Bai Jiu (Chinese wine) |
BJ | Bomberman Jetters (video game) |
BJ | Bantam Jack (test connector) |
BJ | Barrage Jammer |