BJBlow Job
BJBeijing (China)
BJBubble-Jet (Canon)
BJBon Jovi (band)
BJBeijo (Portuguese: Kiss)
BJBoca Juniors (soccer; Argentina)
BJBilly Joel (singer)
BJBlue Jays (baseball team)
BJBillie Jean (Michal Jackson song)
BJBlue Jeans
BJBaujahr (German: year of construction)
BJBonjour (French: hello)
BJBall Joint (mechanical)
BJBillie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
BJBen and Jerry's
BJBaby Jane
BJBrian Jones (Rolling Stones member)
BJBroadcast Jockey (South Korea)
BJBundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland)
BJBad Job
BJBig Job
BJBiochemical Journal
BJBobby Jackson (basketball player)
BJBlonde Joke
BJBroad Jump
BJBob Jones University
BJBusiness Justification
BJBefore Jesus
BJBack Judge (football)
BJBachelor of Journalism
BJBrand Jordan
BJBeverly Jean (from BJ's Wholesale Club; retailer named for founder's daughter)
BJBeth Jacob (Synagogue)
BJBrian Jacques (author)
BJB'nai Jeshurun (New York)
BJByron Jackson (Byron Jackson Company)
BJBill Joy (designer of Berkeley UNIX BSD, Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems)
BJBlueberry Juice
BJBierjunge (German: Beer Boy)
BJBulkhead Jack
BJBreakfast Jack (Jack in the Box Sandwich)
BJBunjee Jump
BJBai Jiu (Chinese wine)
BJBomberman Jetters (video game)
BJBantam Jack (test connector)
BJBarrage Jammer