Acronym | Definition |
AWE | Argue with Everyone (forum) |
AWE | Acorn Woodland Elementary (Oakland, CA) |
AWE | Atomic Weapons Establishment (UK) |
AWE | AT&T Wireless |
AWE | Academic Writing in English (various locations) |
AWE | Address Windowing Extensions |
AWE | Alliance for Water Efficiency (Chicago, IL) |
AWE | Approval Workflow Engine (software) |
AWE | Advanced Warranty Exchange |
AWE | Advanced Wave Effects |
AWE | Adobe Web File |
AWE | Address Windowing Extension |
AWE | Automobilwerken Eisenach |
AWE | Average Weekly Earnings |
AWE | Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation |
AWE | American Wrestling Entertainment |
AWE | At Worlds End (video game) |
AWE | Advanced Wave Effects (Creative Labs) |
AWE | America West Airlines (ICAO code) |
AWE | Advanced Warfighting Experiment |
AWE | Association for World Education |
AWE | Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (Calgary, AB, Canada) |
AWE | Association Wallonne de l'Elevage (farmers association; Belgium) |
AWE | Automobile Welt Eisenach (German: Eisenach Automobile World; Eisenach, Germany) |
AWE | Association of Women Entrepreneurs |
AWE | Allen Wrestling Entertainment (est. 1996) |
AWE | American Wilderness Experience |
AWE | AutoCAD Windows Extension |
AWE | Aircraft/Weapons/Electronics (module) |
AWE | Advanced Warfare Experiment |
AWE | Ammunition and Weapons Effects (Allied Defense Group, Inc.) |
AWE | Army Warfighter Experiment |
AWE | Area Weapons Effects |
AWE | Ambassadors for Wildlife Through Education |
AWE | Advertising Web Entertainment (now Search Performance; est. 2000; France) |
AWE | Atomic Weapon Employer |
AWE | Adinin Works & Engineering Sdn Bhd (Brunei) |
AWE | Advanced Workstation for the Executive (E.F. Hutton) |
AWE | Avionics/Weapons/Electronics |
AWE | Alternative Work Environment |
AWE | Accepted Weight Estimate |
AWE | Arbitrary Wire Antenna |
AWE | Alarms, Warnings, and Events |
AWE | Advanced Wavesynthesis Effect |
AWE | Afghan Women's Education |
AWE | Acetowhite Epithelium (oncology) |