BVNCompania de Minas Buenaventura SA (Peruvian precious metals company)
BVNBroadband Virtual Network
BVNBuena Vista Neighborhood (California)
BVNBeste van Vlaanderen en Nederland (Dutch TV station - Best in Flanders and the Netherlands"
BVNBasketball Verband Nordwestschweiz (basketball association, Switzerland)
BVNBuena Vista North (city district; Orange County, FL)
BVNBolsa de Valores Nacional, SA (Guatemala)
BVNBirkhoff-Von Neumann Decomposition
BVNBureau Voucher Number
BVNBétail et Viande de Normandie (French: Normandy Livestock and Meat; Normandy, France)
BVNBéton Vibré de Normandie (French concrete supplier; Normandy, France)