Acronym | Definition |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
BVR | Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation |
BVR | Black Vinyl Records (independent music label) |
BVR | Business Valuation Review (journal) |
BVR | Biliverdin Reductase |
BVR | Bulletin de Versement (French) |
BVR | Brazos Valley Recycling (College Station, TX) |
BVR | Bundesverband der Volks-und Raiffeisenbanken (German Cooperatives Head) |
BVR | Bklynvex Records |
BVR | Budget Vehicle Recovery (Georgia) |
BVR | Boycott Vulnerability Ratio |
BVR | Big Vin Records |
BVR | Broadcast Video Rentals, Ltd |
BVR | Business Valuation Resources, LLC |
BVR | Benefits Valuation Report |
BVR | Breadboard Voltage Regulator |
BVR | Best Value Revue |
BVR | Bundesverband der Fernseh- und Filmregisseure in Deutschland (German: Federation of Television and Film Directors in Germany) |
BVR | Beyond Visual Recognition |
BVR | Battery Voltage Relay |
BVR | Brighton Vehicle Rentals (UK) |
BVR | Big Virtual Router |
BVR | Biventricular Repair |
BVR | Bao Varakhii Rattery (Grand Rapids, MI) |
BVR | Boîte de Vitesse Robotisée (French: Automated Gearbox) |
BVR | Blackwater Valley Runners (UK) |
BVR | Biometric Verification Registration (Ghana) |
BVR | Broadband Vehicle Router (wireless communications) |
BVR | Bundeverband Regie (German directors guild) |
BVR | Belgische Vereniging van de Rubberindustrie (Dutch: Belgian Rubber Industry Association; Brussels, Belgium) |