Acronym | Definition |
ACV | Air Cushion Vehicle |
ACV | Apple-Cider Vinegar (nutrition) |
ACV | Apple Cider Vinegar |
ACV | Actual Cash Value |
ACV | Analyse du Cycle de Vie (French: Lifecycle Analysis) |
ACV | Armored Core V (gaming) |
ACV | Ateliers du Cap-Vert (French: Cape Verde Workshops; watercraft producer; Senegal) |
ACV | Air Control Valve |
ACV | Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond (Belgian Christian Trade-Union) |
ACV | Attitude (Data) Collection Verification |
ACV | Austria Center Vienna |
ACV | Armored Combat Vehicle |
ACV | Amazing Crystal Vision |
ACV | Adobe Curves File |
ACV | Accident Cérébro-Vasculaire (French: Cerebrovascular Accident) |
ACV | Annual Contract Value (finance) |
ACV | Autocovariance (function) |
ACV | Asian CineVision |
ACV | All-Commodity Volume |
ACV | Antecubital Vein |
ACV | Artisans Center of Virginia |
ACV | Alberto-Culver Company (stock symbol; Melrose Park, IL) |
ACV | Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (Spanish: Life Cycle Analysis) |
ACV | Atlantique Concept Voile (French boat rental company) |
ACV | Automobil-Club Verkehr Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
ACV | Anterior Cardiac Vein |
ACV | Approved Contract Value |
ACV | Aircraft Cockpit Video |
ACV | Association des Commerçants de Vesoul (French: Association of Vesoul Traders; Vesoul, France) |
ACV | Aluminium Center Vlaanderen (Dutch: Aluminum Center Flanders; Flanders, Belgium) |
ACV | Access Control Verification |
ACV | Armored Command Vehicle |
ACV | Arcata, CA, USA - Arcata/Eureka Airport (Airport Code) |
ACV | Association Canadienne de Vexillologie (Canada) |
ACV | Asser Christelijke Voetbalvereniging (Netherlands) |
ACV | Alternating Current Voltammetry |
ACV | All Commodity Value (business metric) |
ACV | At-Completion Variance |
ACV | Armored Cannon Vehicle |
ACV | Address Control Vector |
ACV | AN/UYS-2 COTS Variant (US Navy) |
ACV | Alps Cable Vision (Nagano, Japan) |
ACV | Alfa Club des Volcans (French Alfa Romeo club) |
ACV | Administrative Control Value |
ACV | Auxiliary Aircraft Carriers (CVE) (obsolete) (US Navy) |
ACV | Account Current Value |
ACV | Automobile Club de Vichy (French: Automobile Club of Vichy; Vichy, France) |